70. i'm done

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april 16th, 2021


Incessant knocks on my apartment's front door drag me from my comfortable slumber.

I groan, my face digging further into Ezra's neck in attempt to drown out the pounding of the unwanted visitor. I can feel her stir awake, her hands gripping my shoulders.

"Luke," Ezra says, her groggy voice trembling. Immediately, worry surges through me at the thought of her being frightened, "It's four in the morning... who the hell would be knocking?"

I lean up on to my elbow, pushing her fluffy curls away from her face. Even in the moonlight, I can see the distress on her features. I frown, wanting to be able to diminish her concerns one by one.

I kiss her forehead lightly, "It's alright baby. I'll go see—"

"No!" she whispers, clutching my forearm as I go to crawl out of bed, "What if—?"

"Ez, you're alright," I coo as another round of knocks sound throughout the flat. I kiss her lips this time, carefully, wanting to calm her. "You're safe with me. Stay here. Give me one minute."

"Okay," she nods.

I clear my throat, stumbling out of bed and cursing at the umpteenth set of knocks on the fucking door. Hastily, I pull a pair of plaid pyjama bottoms up my legs considering I fell asleep in nothing but my underwear.

I sigh, running a hand through my unruly curls as I make my way through my home. I flick the light switch on the wall, illuminating the overhead lamps as I approach my front door. Cautiously, I glance through the peephole.

I certainly never anticipated seeing my older brother standing there, fingertips picking at his lower lip as he paces frantically.

I frown, unlocking the door and pulling it open, to which Jack pretty much sobs in relief.

"Jack?" I grumble, rubbing my eye to rid the exhaustion from my vision, "What are you—"

"It's Grandpa," he interrupts me shakily.

At this, my heart immediately falls to the pit of my stomach. Tears are quick to well in my waterline, threatening to fall even though I have no idea what's going on. My heart rate increases tenfold as I bring a hand to my curls, tugging harshly.

"Wh— what's wrong?" I ask him lowly, barely meeting his eye and catching the solemn look on his face.

"Luke, he's in the hospital."

Jack's voice wavers as he tells me this, his blue eyes mirroring my own in the way they're tear-filled and encompassed by distress.

I exhale shakily, my free hand finding my chest as my heart thumps unnaturally fast beneath my sternum. My hands tremble as I step aside, letting Jack enter my apartment.

"Just—" I choke out, feeling my throat constrict, "Just give me a minute, I— Ezra's here— I'll just—"

I barely realise I'm stumbling away from Jack, around the corner and back towards my bedroom. Ezra's sitting up in bed now, having flicked my lamp on with the sheets pulled up to her bare chest.

My bloodstream fills with anxiety at the thought of Grandpa not being okay. I genuinely feel a little lightheaded, as if a single bout of nausea would cause me to pass the fuck out.

"Who is it?" she whispers as I find a hoodie, haphazardly tugging it over my messy curls.

My eyes flicker over to Ez, a concerned expression adorning her lovely face and her eyes puffy with exhaustion. After all, she's been overworking herself and studying overtime for her exams next month.

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