27. dicked down

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november 5th, 2020


"Remember, exams start on December 2nd and carry through 'til the 17th!" Luke's loud, assertive voice overpowers the noise in the lecture hall, "Your English exam will be on the 8th. There should be an exam timetable emailed to each of you so you can figure out your slots for your other courses."

I listen intently, already nervous for my first set of university exams. I wonder how different they'll be to my college A-Levels.

"Class dismissed," Luke finishes, waving us off and packing his textbook and laptop into his bag.

He grabs his signature journal, ensuring it's sealed by the string attached to it before tucking that away too.

As usual, Lola and I are the last to leave. I think Lola has begun to slow her pace whilst leaving English lately just so that Luke has a free opportunity to call me over. I want to scold her for it, but I secretly feel thankful.

Especially when he pipes up to say, "Except for you, Ezra."

"Who, me?" I joke, catching a smirk from Lola as she wordlessly disappears.

I approach Luke's desk, feeling comfortable enough to slide my bum on top of it.

I almost blush; I would've never done this a week or two ago. But something must've changed, because even though he intimidates me a little, Luke makes me feel comfortable around him. Although I'm shy with him a lot of the time, I never feel truly ashamed or embarrassed.

I situate myself at the edge and swing my feet lightly, watching interestedly as a smile curls upon his lips, wonderfully pairing with the slight stubble he's got going on.

"Yes you," he replies eventually, nearing me and placing his palms on the mahogany table. He's not touching me, but the skin of my thighs tingles just at the closeness. "We never got the chance to discuss what you sent me on Tuesday, Ezra."

I suddenly become nervous, my posture straightening out and I giggle a little before clamping my lips shut. Luke raises his eyebrows at me, a smirk weaving its way on to his luscious lips.

"What about it?" I hum, dancing my gaze all over his beautiful, chiseled face, "You asked for it."

"Maybe," Luke mumbles, stepping closer and standing up straighter, letting his hands fall to his sides, "But you know what I didn't ask for?" he whispers.

I feel my eyes flutter in a relaxed state as his hand elevates to cup my jaw. Gently, he uses his thumb to manoeuvre my chin so that I'm looking up at him perfectly. I bite my lip, analysing the way his lips part and his tongue sweetly glides along them.

"What?" I whisper back, my legs now frozen in place and I haven't even noticed how they're spread for him to stand between.

"I didn't ask for the permanent image of you wearing all those little fuckin' sets imprinted in my mind," he huskily replies, sending a weakening shiver down my back, along my inner thighs, "All day fucking long."

I gulp, my eyes wide in fascination and his hazy with infatuation, it seems. I lick my own lips now, feeling no less than brazen when I reach out slowly to grab fistfuls of his button up in my hands. He grunts quietly, shuffling closer with ease due to the pull I have on him. I can feel him now, pressed right up against me and I'm obsessed.

"You pictured me?" I say softly, reluctantly smiling and eyeing up his dampened lips, "Wearing... those?"

I am overly aware of the way I feel much warmer now than I have all morning and I'm sure it's due to the way I'm flushing brightly now.

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