36. yes, sir

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a/n; double update so make sure to read chapter 35 first! :)

november 13th, 2020


"I have to say, breakfast with the lovely couple has wonderfully boosted my mood."

Luke almost chokes on his coffee and I'm burning up at Calum's comment as the dark haired boy slots his plate into the dishwasher.

Breakfast consisted of scrutinising questions from the brunette, wondering why I stayed the night and gesturing to a few scratches on Luke's shoulder. I grew embarrassed almost instantly at that, prompting Luke to go find a hoodie to throw on in hopes of shutting Cal up.

Luke catches my eye from across the table and there's a trace of a smirk pulling at his lips. I bite my lip, my heart skipping a beat because he just looks so attractive that it hurts.

"I'll see you tonight, Luke?" Cal hums, more of a statement than anything as he gives Luke a sly look.

Luke flicks his head towards him and subtly rolls his eyes, "Yes you will. Now goodbye." The blonde shakes his head and turns to face me again, finishing off his pancakes.

Calum smirks broadly, looking at me now, "Miss Ezra," he salutes me in a playful manner and I elicit a giggle, "I'll see you soon."

"Bye Calum," I bid with a smile, waving slightly as he leaves the flat.

The door shuts and it's silent for a moment. I go to stand up with my empty plate, but Luke stops me with a gentle hand on my forearm.

"I'll do that," he gestures towards the dirty dishes, "'M'sorry about Cal. He loves invading people's personal space. Do you want some more tea?"

I slowly sit myself back down, my eyes trailing up towards his. They're practically glowing in the sunlight that streams in through the window beside us. His cheekbones are alight with a shine and his blonde curls are beautifully messy, all fluffed in a pile on the top of his head.

I don't realise I've been beaming like a fool until he says, "What's got you all smiley?" He has a familiar smirk on his face, eyes boring into my own with a teasing glare.

I gulp, diverting my gaze with a blush, "Nothing," I shrug, clearing my throat, "And don't apologise for Calum, I quite like him. I should actually probably get going."

The memory of the conversation between Cal and Luke floods my mind. I internally sigh, confusion racing through my veins and I can't keep from wondering what he's lying about and why he's doing so. Sure, I don't need to know every detail of his life and I'm not asking or expecting to. But when I hear my name in a conversation that's being hidden from me, it peaks my curiosity.

"Oh," Luke mumbles, looking down at his plate aimlessly, "Right, yeah. I can give you a lift, let me just—"

"It's okay," I interject with a halfhearted smile. He looks up at me once again with furrowed eyebrows. "I'll get the tube."

Normally I wouldn't object to a lift from Luke. I'm not fully sure why I am this morning, but I think I want some time to myself. You know, before Lola bombards me with assumptions and before Leo starts teasing me about my professor or something.

I feel sort of guilty because Luke has been nothing but welcoming and sweet since last night — amongst other things — but I'm overwhelmed with negative thoughts at the moment. I regret ever eavesdropping on their talk. It's made my stomach swirl with unfamiliar nerves and anxiety.

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