61. she's gone

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february 10th, 2021


"Do better, Hemmings," Cal shouts from a few feet away.

I roll my eyes, barely giving him a glance before pummelling my fists roughly into the punching bag.

I can feel the droplets of sweat forming at my hairline and sliding down the nape of my neck. I can feel my heart pumping in adrenaline — a feeling I've come to worship. I can also feel the eyes of somebody other than Cal, somebody other than Rocky, staring at me from across the room.

With one last shove at the sand-filled bag, I take a step back.

Surveying the room swiftly, my eyes find that girl from last time. The medic, or whatever she called herself. The one with the piercing blue eyes, timid facial expressions and who looks like she definitely doesn't belong here.

When my stare lingers on her, she looks away bashfully, as if she's been caught out. A surge of cockiness shines through me at the way I can still make a girl feel flustered by me regardless of the fact my heart belongs to someone else entirely.

I look over at Calum, before grumbling, "'M'doin' my best, Cal."

My brunette friend shrugs, jutting out his lips, "You've only got your biggest fight in the last six months comin' up in a week. I'm the one trying to keep you from getting blindsided and winding up in a hospital bed again."

Rocky scheduled me to fight a guy I've been up against multiple times before. The reason we've fought one another numerous times is because every time I see him, he's more muscular than the last and he's convinced he can knock me out one of these days. I've won every fight against him so far. He's a big guy and his muscles are definitely larger than mine, but I have a height advantage that I've been conditioned to use to the best of my ability all the goddamn time.

"I'll win," I tell him confidently, not a doubt in my mind that I will.

"I don't care if you believe that," Calum retaliates, "You were out of practice for six weeks and this guy is determined to beat your ass."

I roll my eyes again, the action so familiar to me. I saunter over to my water bottle, downing half of it within a few seconds. I revel in the way my veins rush with adrenaline and the way my knuckles sting from training.

"He won't," I say simply, earning a look from Cal that makes me raise my eyebrows in defence. I frown, another topic itching to be spoken about, "Cal, who's the new medic?"

Cal looks over at her, as do I, to see her chatting with another fighter in a friendly manner. Her smile doesn't quite reach her eyes but she seems kindhearted in the way she bandages his knuckles. I inwardly scoff; doesn't she know we can do that ourselves?

"Christ Luke," Calum sighs frustratedly, capturing my attention, "Don't go there. Not with your mind on someone else."

"What?" I scowl, narrowing my eyes, "I wasn't going anywhere, dickhead. I'm genuinely curious."

"Then, I don't know," Calum replies, his lips tugged in a puzzled frown, "I know Rocky hired her. I think it's because he really doesn't want anybody else ending up in the state you were in— in case anybody found out about this place."

"But, she seems nice? What's she doing here? And she's qualified?" I fire out questions, utterly confused as to who the girl is.

"Jesus, take her out to dinner if you're so interested," Cal snorts. I shoot him a deathly glare, causing him to snap his mouth shut and raise his hands, "I'm kidding! I'm team Ezra."

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