64. feel you*

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february 15th, 2021


My girl pretty much squeals as I nip at her thigh, my finger sunk into her little pussy as I lay between her spread legs.

"Luke," Ezra giggles, hands in my hair and a dazed look in her pretty eyes, "I can't cum anymore," she pouts.

I groan, loving the way she can talk to me like that, "Yeah you can, baby. Gonna make you cum all fuckin' day," I promise, earning a hopeless whimper from her.

I attach my lips to her fluttering clit, pulling a moan from her throat. She tastes so fucking good it's hard to resist her.

It isn't entirely my fault that I'm fucking obsessed with my girl. It definitely isn't my fault that she was wiggling around so much in her sleep, her ass rubbing up against my cock painfully well.

I woke at sunrise to the feeling of my cock slipped right between her folds, my tip teasing her clit and for the past two hours I've been making sure she's seeing stars as I make her cum so goddamn much she'll probably be worn out for days.

"C'mere," Ezra whines, lips jutted out so prettily as she caresses my bare shoulders.

I do as she says with one last kiss to her clit and bring myself up to hover over her, immediately finding her plump lips with mine. She giggles, kissing me back fervently and I moan, finding my throbbing cock with my hand and pushing the head through her dripping folds. She gasps, allowing me to slip my tongue between her lips as I teasingly let the head of my cock trail over her overstimulated clit.

"I'm serious," she mumbles, hands on either side of my neck as my chain nestles between her tits. The way she's looking up at me almost has me exploding on the spot. "I'm sore, Lu. I can't take it anymore."

My lips part as I feel her clench around nothing, my dick fucking throbbing with desire for her. I kiss her nose, the reality of her aching for me not even feeling real. She's sore because of me and I'd be lying if I said I'm not fucking proud of it.

"M'kay lovie," I whisper, softly kissing her lips. I can't ignore the need soaring through me though, so I say, "Let me just slip inside you, Ez. Just wanna feel you."

Ezra bites back a grin, and I just know how dirty she really is because everything I say has her blushing for me. With a simple nod of her head, she kisses me again and I groan as I slide my cock right inside of her, filling her up like nobody else ever fucking will and reeling at the way she practically pulls me in.

"Oh fuck, that's good baby," I breathe, feeling relieved at having her wrapped so snugly around my shaft.

Carefully, I flip us over, melting into the hotel bedsheets as my girl lays cuddled to my chest, the feeling of her around me sending me into overdrive. I bite my lip as she buries her head into my neck, and I whisper out those three words that feel like a significant weight off my shoulders.

"I love you," I tell her earnestly.

The sunlight seeping through the old fashioned window makes her glow in my arms. The Edinburgh skyline looks so pretty from the fifth floor of the hotel where her uncle's wedding was held. I tug the crisp blankets up over her naked body, ensuring she's warm enough. Both of my hands hold her close, my fingertips dancing up and down her spine as I kiss her head gently.

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