06. screw her teacher

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september 5th, 2020


The second I wake up, I'm blinded by the sun seeping through my window and the brightness only worsens my oncoming migraine.

How'd I forget to close the blinds?

I roll over the face the wall, grabbing a pillow and covering my head with it. I groan, stretching out my legs and scrunching my nose in disgust when a repetitive knocking sounds throughout the room.

"Go away," I mumble, fully aware that the culprit can't hear me but silently hoping it'll work anyway.

It doesn't. The incessant knocking grows louder and I feel like bursting into tears at the sensitivity of my head. I reluctantly roll out of bed, shielding my eyes with my arm as I stumble towards my window to pull down the blackout blind. Then, I lazily make my way towards the door, unlocking it and being met with the preppy face of my best friend.

"Lo, what the fuck are you doing knocking on my door like that?" I grumble, only noticing the fools stood behind her after I stop talking. "Oh joy," I grumble, stepping aside and letting the three boys and Lola inside.

"You're looking lovely this morning, Ez," Lola smirks, eyeing my disgruntled appearance.

I look down at my oversized t-shirt (one of many I own to wear to bed) and my messy bun droops pitifully on my forehead. I sigh, entering my bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. I grab two painkillers from the overhead cabinet and head out towards the small fridge to retrieve a water bottle. I down half of it, swallowing the pills in the process.

"What d'you lot want?" I mutter, clambering back into bed where Leo's already made himself comfortable, tucked under my covers by the wall and everything.

He spreads out his arms and I instantly cuddle up to him, grabbing my elephant on the way to hold close to my chest.

"What I want," Lola starts with a mischievous grin, settling herself down at the foot of my bed, cross-legged, "Is for you to tell my why the fuck you were in professor Hemmings' car last night!"

I groan tiredly, shooting daggers at Ollie who is sprawled across my window seat. He shrugs, "What? I didn't know it was a big secret!"

"Leave the girl alone," Milo scoffs from my desk chair, waving his hand in the air dismissively.

"Thank y—"

"If she wants to screw her teacher, let the woman be," he finishes, grabbing an unopened crisp packet from my desk.

"Milo St. Charles Maroon!" I shriek, tensing up in Leo's arms.

"Shh, honey, don't wanna strain yourself," Leo coos, petting my head in a faux comforting manner. "Did enough of that last night, hm?"

"Stop that!" I snap, swatting at his arm and earning laughter from the idiots around me.

"Aww, Ez, did you pull a muscle while car-fucking your English prof?" Ollie teases, pouting his lips in false sympathy.

Lola cackles, "Have you seen the size of him?" she exaggerates, "The man is over 6 foot! His dick must be huge," she remarks and I kick her from where I lay with Leo.

"Lola, stop!" I whine, not wanting to talk about my professor's dick size first thing in the morning. The sheer thought gets me blushing.

"It's a wonder how he didn't rip you in half," she continues, a devious smirk playing on her lips and I kick her again, harder, causing her to tumble off my bed.

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