40. fix me, baby

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november 19th, 2020


As Luke stands by the kettle, making us a cup of tea each, my heart swells and then breaks all at once.

There's a tight knot in my throat as I replay his words from a couple hours ago over and over in my mind. No wonder he's been so secretive, he's been through a lot. Way more than anyone of his age should've experienced. After everything he's told me, every tear he's shed tonight, I can't help but just want to take him in my arms and hold him and tell him everything's okay and that he's enough.

After he let everything spill and I gave him a surging kiss on his oh so comfortable couch, we simply talked for an hour and a bit. I sat in his lap as he caressed my hips and we just spoke for ages. He opened up even more about his family, mentioning how he misses them desperately and I so badly wanted to tell him to mend things with his brother.

His brother. Fuck, am I that dim? I knew his eyes looked familiar, because they have the exact same pair. Nevertheless, I can understand why Luke doesn't want him near me. I mean, after hearing about his getaway with Luke's ex (is she really his ex?) I can comprehend why he wouldn't want the same person around the girl Luke has his eye on.

I feel giddy at the thought of being the girl Luke wants to protect. Whilst I sat on his lap earlier, he mentioned how I am the first girl to ever know about this entire ordeal. Apparently he never felt comfortable enough to tell anybody other than Calum. Maybe that means that he really does feel something for me. As elated as I feel because of that, I also feel guilty because knowing everything about his past truly breaks my heart.

"Where've you gone?" Luke jokes, handing me my mug of tea made just the way I like it.

I'm leaning against the opposite side of the kitchen island to where he stands, a broken smile on my face that grows when my hands wrap around the warm cup. I revel in the heat it brings to my palms, even though Luke's apartment is warm enough considering his heat is on full blast. I gaze at the blonde, my heart softening.

I shrug, "I'm here," I mumble, sipping my piping hot drink.

Luke smiles, shuffling around the island with his own cup. He sets it down beside mine, hands finding my waist and my heart flutters at his simple touch. It's almost frightening how he makes me feel.

"I think your mind was wandering off for a bit there," he chuckles, his eyes puffy and raw with emotion.

I take it upon myself to clasp my hands over his shoulders, mindlessly applying pressure because I can feel how tense he is. He hums, eyes fluttering closed momentarily and I grin in satisfaction.

"How're you feeling?" I ask in concern, my own eyes quite dry from the teardrops that have fallen.

Luke opens his strikingly blue eyes, looking down at me with a relaxed expression, "Feelin' like I need a proper massage from you," he smirks, taking a step closer so that we're pressed right up against one another.

I bite my lip, the offer sounding enticing even to me as my cheeks flare up, "You're tense," I murmur.

"Fix me, baby," he whispers, tipping his head down to nudge his nose against mine.

I can't help but think there's multiple subliminal messages hidden beneath his teasing words.

The butterflies that are ever-present in my tummy swarm crazily at his words. My heart skips a beat and I elicit a happy laugh, falling in love with the way his dimple-drilled smile curls up on his tempting lips. My hands slip down from his shoulders, laying flat against his chest and I can feel his heart pounding against my palms. I blush further, the prospect of making his heart race making me nervous.

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