Y/n: The lord/lady of shadow

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just imagine that this just your own collected miscellany but a bit different...

All made in good fun!


Rarity: 4 star
Weapon: mainly sword and polearm
Vision: Geo
Constellation: ???

Desc: a cute little boy/girl who cause havoc for everyone.

Desired role: support, sub dps, or ,Zhongli replacement.

When the mysterious wangshang funeral Parlor consultant brought home a child no older than 3 at the time. The people of liyue couldn't imagine they would both fear and Love this destructive child...

"Up for another trip?"

Y/n is a master at manipulating Geo. Y/n is a experienced traveler they are able to spot even the most hidden of animals.

Y/n incredible skill in cooking is only matched with Xiangling... Creating any attack boosting dish with Y/n has the chance to creat another one helping in saving ingredients.


Normal attack/ Shadow's own: Hale's own:

Y/n can combo up to 5 strikes with their sword the last hit will be a hit from their polearm, dealing physical damage to enemies.

Hold Y/n's attack to lunge forward and sending them backwards, dealing a high amount to physical damage.

Elemental skill/ immovable stone:

Tap Y/n elemental skill to create a burst of aoe geo wave to push back enemies. Dealing a considerable amount of Geo damage.

Holding their elemental skill Y/n like their father will gather the power form the earth to create a shield, this is shield is based of Y/n's max HP

After unlocking the talent: blow away!

Y/n will use their Ameno Delusion and  will release Ameno damage.

Elemental brust/ Raining volley:

Y/n will rain down a sharp rocks down at the enemy marked by a circle on the ground and blinding enemies for seeing you. While in this circle enemies will have a permanent geo affect on them, allowing you to use the crystalize reaction to create shields.

The sharp shards of stone will periodically rain down againg within the circle.

After unlocking the talent: All are welcome!

When a party member is in the circle, their elemental burst damage will increase depending on Y/n's base attack.


Y/n maintains joy and composure while fighting in combat!

First enter the battle by using Y/n's taping elemental skill. Now alternate from normal attacks and charge attack, before creating a Recreation Shield to block in coming attacks, the. Switch off to another member of your party.

When your energy is full use Y/n's Burst and coordinate with your team to destroy your enemies.

As the aftermath of liyue's crisis, the people are glad they have a face to smile at...

But Y/n is only interested in adventuring... Perhaps someday they shall discover their Godhood but the day is yet to come...

For now Y/n puts a smile on their face and adventure to their hearts content.

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