Y/n's outdoor Sick day [liyue]

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"Dad, I'm ok..." Y/n coughed and sneezed. Zhongli Pulled up the blanket

"You are not ok Y/n you're sick don't worry in six hours the tea will finish Brewing And you'll be back in good health," Zhongli said as he left the room.

Y/n hated these days when He/she can't go out and explore the cliffs of liyue or run to mondstadt with the traveler and meet with Uncle Venti.

Y/n looks around the room it was empty. He/she gets up and walks to his/her Drawer. It was nothing but Dust.

Y/n sighs and goes to His/her mirror. Y/n looks at themselves and asks why are we- sorry wrong one.

Y/n looks at themselves and then their Y/n's Visions began to glow. Y/n face had grown a malicious smile.

He/she Ran towards the window and Summoned a large rock. Y/n jumped on top-up of it and leaped out of the window.

"Hehe... Time to go exploring" Y/n Ran away to the mountains of Liyue. Zhongli came into the room to be Them some food.

"That Child..." Zhongli placed the platter down on Y/n's bed. Zhongli looks around the room for clues. Looking at the floor near the window and spotted pieces of small rocks.

"I should have known" Zhongli left the room and walked to the usual place where Y/n would go.

"Hi, Zhongli!" A high-pitched voice called. Zhongli turned to Paimon and The traveler.

"Hello traveler and paimon I'm sorry but I can't converse with you right now," Zhongli said

"Why not?" Paimon asked.

Zhongli sighed and crossed his arms. "You see Y/n is sick and He/she manage to escape while sick... I'm worried about him/her so I'm off to find them"

"Yikes! Maybe we should help Mr. Zhongli T/n (traveler name)" T/n nods

"Thank you T/n"

"Where should we look first?" Paimon asked.

"We should start by looking at Ruins in Guili plains," Zhongli said and so They went to Guili plains.

Y/n was also in Guili plains wandering around looking for Chest and treasure armed with his/her Trusty sword and Vision on the waist. The child was not defenseless.

Y/n ran around the place going to every little bit and cracks slaughtering camps of hilichruls scaring away the treasure hoarders and picked some berries.

Y/n set up came and cooked the prey they catch.

"Gotcha!" T/n said grabbing the young child. Y/n wiggle off the traveler's hands.

"Come on T/n! Let me go!"

"It's time for you to come home," Zhongli said. Y/n stopped wiggling.

"Dad!" Y/n yelled.

"There's the Child get them!" The sound of an abyss mage yelled.

"Uh-oh looks like we need to fight these guys!" Paimon said.

T/n and Zhongli ready their weapons. The hilichruls ran towards. They were easy to deal with. Then the abyss mage came in and gave t/n and Zhongli a hard but they dealt with them.

"Is that all of them?" Paimon asked.

Then three nearby ruin guards and a single ruin hunter woke up.

"Oh no..."

Zhongli came up and said. "I WILL HAVE ORDER!" A small Planet fell for the skies.

Zhongli and T/n attacked them but they couldn't beat them. Y/n walks towards them. "Y/n get back over here!" Paimon called.

Y/n raised His/her right hand and Chanted.

"Raining volley!" A flurry of pointy flew to the Charging Ruin guards and they were cut down one by one.

"Woah! That's cool!" Paimon said as her eyes shined with amaze meant.

"Now let's get you home Y/n," Zhongli said taking little Y/n's hands.

"Thank you for your help t/n"

"No problem!"

Zhongli and Y/n set off who by now must have horrible headaches.

"Man Y/n is quite uhh... Destructive" Paimon said to the traveler.

"Why do you say that?" They asked.

"Well look how they killed those hilichruls and those abyss mages they want Y/n died not to mention the animals" paimon explained.

"Hey I guess you're right He/she would get along with Klee"

"Hey, you're right maybe next time we should bring Y/n to the knights of favonious headquarters!"

"Maybe we can" 

The end.

Hmmm... This is usually the part where say something stupid... Wait-

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