Chapter: 27
The next few months seem to fly by. My dad is preparing for the trial, my mom is loving her new job, and Patrick and I are doing amazing. Jimmy and Molly are still having issues and have been fighting a lot recently. Jimmy will say something stupid and then she gets mad it's a never ending circle. It's hard to see Molly so upset but sometimes she over reacts to things Jimmy would say or do. It was right after thanksgiving that my dad was called to testify in the Charles Manson case.
We couldn't go with him or anything but he told me all about it, despite my mother not wanting him too. My dad said they asked him to describe the state of the grounds as soon as he pulled into Cielo Drive, the house, where the bodies were and all the writing on the walls. He told them how gruesome he thought the crime scene was. He told them how he thought it wasn't the Black Panthers but a frame job right off the bat. He gave examples and photos of the crime scene and he wasn't there to pass judgment on anyone just give facts from his point or view based on his professional experience.
My dad told me how creepy Manson was just sitting there during the testimony. He was just listening and watching every move they would make, but he would interrupt every so often and spout out non-sense yelling at everyone in the court room. There was a lot of people who heard it to cause the courthouse was packed. It was mostly people who worked with the lawyers but also an odd group of people who were all wearing white polos and tan pants and they all bibles. They were there everyday at my dad was there and they would listen intently to both sides of testimony and I guess it was super strange.
It's early December and I am at Patrick's house and we are sitting in the living room watching tv and making out on the couch. He's wearing a black tee shirt, jeans and suede vest and I'm wearing a pair of jeans with a red suede vest with nothing under it. He is laying on top of me and his hands are under my vest then all of a sudden the doorbell rings.
'Shit, they are really need to go away' he says 'Maybe, if we ignore them they will' he says kissing me again but the bell rings again
'Just answer it, it's not big deal' I tell him and we sit up.
I fix my vest and flatten my hair. Patrick gets up and adjusts his pants cause he's half hard just from he heavy make out session and he walks to the door. He opens it and his eyes go big.
'Dave?' He asks, shocked.
'Hey how's my little brother?' the guys asks him.
'It's been a long time' Patrick says letting him in 'What are you doing here?'
'I was in the neighborhood and thought it was about time I saw my family. Who's this?' Dave asks him and I stand up and walk over to them.
The guy is wearing a pair of jeans, a white sweater and some white sneakers. He has dark hair, like Patricks but its cut short and it hangs over his forehead a little bit. He's taller than Patrick but chubbier and more broad.
'Ummm, my girlfriend, Jo this is my brother Dave' Patrick says.
'Hi, it's nice to meet you.' I say extending my hand.
Dave shakes it and says 'Hi, is it okay if I talk to my brother alone? It's pretty late you should be getting home' he says with a fake smile.
I look at Patrick confused 'It's okay, Jo. I'll walk you out to your car' he says to me.
'It was nice to meet you' I say still a little shocked and he gives another fake smile and a wave.
Patrick walks me to the car and we stand there for a second 'I'm not sure what is going on, I'm sorry about all this.' He says to me 'I haven't seen him in almost five years and I'm not sure why he's here. I just don't want you in harms way. If anything were to happen to you I would just....'
I put my hands on his chest and cut him off 'It's fine, I'm fine okay. I'm sure he just wants to reconnect with you and your dad. Just be careful okay? I love you and I'm just a phone call away if you need me' I tell him
'Thanks, love you too. I'll see you tomorrow and I'll call if I need you.' He says before giving me a kiss.
I get in and he closes the door. As I pull away I can see that his brother was listening and watching us from the door way. When I get home I go upstairs and finish some reading and home work for class.
The next day I get up and get dressed in some jeans, a light blue shirt that ties in the front and my clogs. I didn't sleep well because I was thinking about Patrick. He didn't call so I guess that's a good thing. Around 11:00 am, Jen calls and says Anthony invited us over to his house. I tell her I will pick her up. I drive about 15 minutes to her house and she is waiting outside. She's wearing a pair of overalls, with a red crop top underneath, and some wooden sandals. She jumps up when she sees me pull in and puts her brown saddle bag over her shoulder.
'Hey thanks, for the ride' Jen says getting in.
'No problem, how was your Saturday?' I ask.
'Good, did homework watched some tv the usual, yours?' She asks back.
I told her about the run in with Patrick's creepy brother. She seemed concerned but told me not to worry until I talk to Patrick. We pull into the drive way of Anthony's house and walk through the side gate. We see Anthony sitting in the pool house and he waves to us. I sit on the couch and Jen sits on the chair next to him.
We talk for a while until Anthony's mom comes and brings us some veggies and fruit to snake on. She's wearing a floral print loose fitting dress with bell sleeves. Her baby bump was pretty big now since she was about 5 1/2 months along. She gives me and Jen a hug before going back inside the house. We chat for a while and then I see Patrick coming through the gate. I feel like I breath again. He's wearing some suede pants, a black tee and a denim jacket. He sits down nexts to me on the couch and gives me a kiss.
'Did you tell them about Dave?' He asks holding my hand
I nod 'Yeah I kind filled them in, what happened after I left?' I ask
He shakes his head 'He said he was sorry for leaving and that he wants to talk to both me and our dad together. He waited for him and we hardly said anything for each other. He just sat there looking at me. Then our dad came home and he was shocked to see him there. Dave told both of us he was sorry and that he wanted to be part of the family again and make amends for all the bad he caused. I guess he was at some commune outside of LA that helped him not be so angry about our mother's death when we were little.' Patrick says, shaking his head, again.
I squeeze his hand a little and gave him a smile. He squeezes back and continues the story 'He has been living there for years and now he is working at some church that works with the commune. He's working with people who have lost heir way, at lest those are his words. My father wants to give him a chance and be a family again but I don't know. It's like he's a totally different person. I guess he is starting school cause he dropped out when he left back then. It just feels random and weird' he says.
'Well, we're here for you man, whatever you need' Anthony says and and Jen nods in agreement.
'I guess just give him a chance and keep an eye on him. If starts doing anything weird call him out on it and ask why he's being weird' I tell him and he smiles.
We decide to smoke a joint to help Patrick relax a little. I can tell its helping cause he is starting to lean back and his hand leaves mine and he puts it on my thigh. After a little while we leave and I drop Jen at home. Patrick follows me to her house and then we drive to my house. We hang out of a while and then he stays for dinner. He leaves a little while after wards and he tells me he has to bring his brother to school so he will meet me in the parking lot. After a kiss (or 6) goodbye he leaves. I pack up my backpack and gym bag before heading to bed.

Teen FictionSex, Drugs, Rock and Roll....and Murder? The life of the daughter of a re-tired cop turned private eye, is anything but boring. Jo Miller is anything but your typical hippie, so see how 1970 will change her life forever. Warnings: Smut, Drug Use, M...