Chapter: 37
We leave for school and when we park we see Molly and Jimmy hanging out near her car. We give her a small wave and she smiles and waves at us. I don't remember the last time we all hung out together. She told us her main focus was her relationship with Jimmy and that she wanted to spend time on that. I respect that and I have given her some space.
I walk to my locker and I put my bags in my locker and I grab my books. I can nearly focus on anything cause all I can think about is my nightmare. I ask Jen to tell Patrick that I will meet him in home room because I have some homework to finish. Jen agrees and I walk alone to the classroom. I sit down at the desk and I pull out my book for AP English. Right now we are reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin and I am really enjoying it. Jen and Patrick come in the room and they sit down
'Hey, I missed you this morning. Jen told me you had some reading to do' Patrick says with a smile.
'Yeah sorry, I just want to get a head with this book' I tell him and he nods and smiles.
The rest of the morning goes by slowly. I can't stand looking at Dave or Darcy. Patrick can tell something is off cause I am being so quiet. At lunch we grab food from the cafeteria. He grabs a burger and I grab an orange and some apple juice.
'Is that all you want?' Patrick asks me.
'Yeah, I'm not that hungry' I tell him which is the truth.
He takes my hand and he leads away from the table with Jen and Anthony and I give him a confused look but he ignores me and we keep walking until we get to a secluded bench by the nurses office.
'Tell me what's wrong' he tells me setting down his stuff and food.
'It's nothing and stupid' I tell him looking down and I pick at the cap of the apple juice.
'It's not nothing and it's clearly bothering you so it's not stupid. Please just talk to me' He says lifting my chin with his fingers.
I stare at him and I can't help but start to cry. I tell him all about the nightmare giving him all the details about what happened. By the time I am done telling him everything I am fully crying.
'God, Jo I am sorry. I wish I could do something. I just need you to know, that as long as I am with you that will never happen. I'm never leaving you and I will protect you with my life. You're my everything and it kills me that a nightmare has tainted our special place. That wasn't real though, the real place is here' he puts his hand on my heart 'It's here okay? I love you so much' he says pulling me for a tight hug.
'I was just so happy being there with you, pregnant surrounded by love and they just took it all away, they took you away from us. I know that it wasn't real but it shook me and it made me realize how much I really do love you. I want everything with you and I love you so much' I tell him, still crying a little.
Patrick wipes my tears a gently and kisses me softly. We pull apart and he cradles me into his chest. I put my head close to his neck and I feel his scent consume me. He lightly plays with my hair and kisses my head.
'I love you so much, Jo' Patrick says, softly.
I smile 'I love you too, Patrick' I say back before we kiss again.
We sit there and we eat our lunch. He has made me feel a lot better and I should've known that he would understand why I was so upset. We get up and he grabs our trash and throws it away. He takes my hand and laces our fingers together.
The rest of our classes fly by and I am in a way better mood than this morning. We walk to gym class and he kisses me lightly as we go into the separate changing rooms. I set down my stuff in my locker and grab my black swim suit and towel. I change and I take off my ring and place it in my Gucci wallet. Jen comes out of the bath room all changed wearing a red suit.

JugendliteraturSex, Drugs, Rock and Roll....and Murder? The life of the daughter of a re-tired cop turned private eye, is anything but boring. Jo Miller is anything but your typical hippie, so see how 1970 will change her life forever. Warnings: Smut, Drug Use, M...