Unwanted fever

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After 7 years....

"Ram bhaiyya, Ram bhaiyya!!!!" A small little Lakshman came running to Ram who was meditating.

Ram smiled and opened his lotus shaped eyes, to meet Lakshman's almond shaped ones.

"You never hesitate to disturb my meditation, do you?" Ram asked playfully.

" Never.....its a younger brother's birth right to disturb the elder one!! "Lakshman declared proudly

but after a second, his face fell

"You dont like me to be around you, bhaiyya?" He asked, Ram saw light tears filling his big wide innocent eyes.

lakshman turned around to leave, but Ram held his hand firmly before he could do so.

"Hey, hey, Laksh...I was just joking, sweet heart.....I love it when you disturb me, it gives me happiness......and you cant even define the happiness and secure feeling I get when you are around.....never ever think to leave me, understand??" Ram said the last part a bit firmly

"So I can continue disturbing you??" Lakshman asked with a cheeky innocent grin, to which Ram smiled

" Yes, you can keep disturbing me till I exist on this earth.... " Ram said with determination

"TWINNIE!!!!!" Shatrughan shouted from a distance, and came running towards the 2.

"What happened twinnie?" Lakshman asked, rolling his eyes

"Beware, maa is coming behind you to eat you up!!" Shatrughan said, quite seriously

"Shatru!! This is not the way to speak about your mother!! and what do you mean by she is coming to 'eat laksh up' ?" Ram asked sternly

"Oh common, bhaiyya.....Maa is coming with a plate of food, for Laksh to eat, so-" He cut himself and his silly talks.

"Laksh you dint have your food??" Ram asked, his eyes widening quite dramatically.

"Any doubts, Ram?" Laksh's monster *cough cough* Sumitra asked, entering the scene with a plate of food

"Laksh please, eat naa bache......" Sumitra said, but Lakshman ran away quite earlier.

"Dont worry, choti maa, I'll feed him.....Give me....." Ram said, taking the plate from her hand, and going towards Lakshman

"Laksh!! I know you are inside!! come out this second!!" Ram ordered to Lakshman, who was tiny enough to hide inside a shelf.

"Bhaiyya...." lakshman whined like a 7-year-old. Umm, well, he IS a 7-year-old.

"Laksh..." Ram whined in the same tone.

"Ok....But only on one condition, that YOU will feed me...fine?" Lakshman asked

"Ok dear...." Ram agreed with a serene smile.

Ram started feeding Lakshman with his own hands, and Lakshman ate it, with a lot of chitter-chatter and tantrums, which seemed to have irritated Ram, but deep inside, there was absolutely nothing that Ram enjoyed more than this.

"Ok, now lets go and sleep.....come....." ram and Lakshman left to their shared chamber


Ram woke up in the middle of night, to drink water, and found that Lakshman was stirring in sleep, shivering a little.

'Its cool outside, maybe thats why...' He thought, and covered Lakshman with a warm blanket, drank some water, and slept again.

The next morning Ram woke up, and smiled at Lakshman, who was sleeping soundly beside him.

He gently touched Lakshman's forehead to wake him, but got startled. his forehead was burning.

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