Anjani Putra, Pawana Suta Nama

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I love the title for once


Now, the residents of Rishyamukha had a different story of their own, one which was worth telling

Sugriva, the son of Surya, was the prince of Kishkindha, the brother of King Vali of Kishkindha

They were a fairytale like family, him and Vali with their respective wives, Ruma and Tara, along with Angada, Vali's son and the pride and joy of Kishkindha

Until they were not

Sugriva still remembered the fateful day, when that demon had challenged Vali for a fight and had lured him into a cave.

Sugriva had stood outside, following Vali's orders dutifully, until he heard screams of his brother and blood flowing out.

Now, anyone with basic common sense would think what Sugriva thought, that Vali had died and the demon had attained Victory.

So, Sugriva had, with a heart heavy with grief for a brother he lost, returned to Kishkindha, after closing the mouth of the cave with a huge boulder, so that the demon wouldn't come out, And had taken over the administration of the kingdom, as instructed by the elders

But apparently, Vali hadn't died, afterall. It had been the demon who died and the scream was a scream of Victory

And when a furious Vali stormed into the court room and accused Sugriva of locking him up intentionally, and banished him out of the kingdom after capturing his wife Ruma, Sugriva took asylum at Rishyamukha, the only place Vali couldn't come, due to some curse

Now, Sugriva wasn't alone. He was accompanied by four of his trusted courtiers, his trusted Vanaras (and one bear but whatever)

Was it mentioned that they are ALL Vanaras?

Nala, the son of Vishwakarma. He was of average height, and had shoulder length hair. He was the son of the divine architect, and hence, had the otherworldly ability to build things. He had a playful personality and an easy going smile which could bring light in darkest of the times

Then there was Neela, his twin, the son of Agni. He, in contrast to his twin, was fairly tall, and had only neck length hair. He was the source of motivation most of the times, and had a spark in him which seemingly never died, and kept everyone's spirits high. The one thing he and his twin had in common was the playful personality which would make anyone smile.

And Jambavan. Jambavan wasn't a monkey, though. He was a bear, and had been living on the earth since forever. He was the advisor, the one whom everyone thought of when in a dillema. He had the aura of a kind grandfather, supportive and sweet.

The last of all was, perhaps, the most unusual, yet the best among all of them. Hanuman, the Son of Wind

He was the tallest of them, and had muscles which suited his repute as one of the best mace fighters there ever was. He had short hair and was draped in red clothing, his forehead adorned with a tilaka. He, in contrast to his physique, was the sweetest person one could ever find. He had kind eyes and an empathetic smile, which made him seem like the warmest person ever, which he was. He always stood by what was right, and was one of the most loyal people on the planet.

Hanuman was Sugriva's strength, and hence he was the perfect person to examine the two men who walked towards Rishyamukha with the most determined looks on their faces


Hanuman, dressed as a hermit, personally thought that Sugriva was being paranoid, because while the men did look strong enough to be able to destroy the world itself, they didn't seem the type who would do that

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