Kaushalyatmaja ~ Sumitranandana

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I have given up on my abilities to think of a decent title, so put up with whatever it is. Period.

Please guys, comment.


"Laksh! Calm down, Please!" Urmila shut her ears tightly as Lakshman punched the mirror, which shattered into small pieces, a few of them piercing his hand. Sumitra stepped back a little in absolute horror. Her son HAD to be controlled, and she knew that it was out of Urmila's hands this time

"NO URMILA! Dont stop me! How dare she? How dare that woman exile my bhaiyya out of his own home? What the hell does she think of herself? My bhaiyya is the heir apparent of Ayodhya, Urmila, and I would fight anyone who says something against it!" Lakshman's eyes burned like an inferno, his nose was deep red due to anger and his hands trembled awfully due to the rage he felt that was coursing through his veins. Urmila shivered, anticipating his next words

"I will kill her! I will kill that woman, Urmila, I will kill her!" Lakshman declared, to which Urmila's eyes widened and Sumitra gasped

"But before that, There is someone whom I need to speak to." He added, calming down just a little, before Marching off to Ram's Room


"Laksh? You here. Good, I was waiting for you, actually. Come here, I and your Bhabhi will be leaving within just a few hours, so there are few things, administration stuff, you need to understand before Bharat arrives and takes over. So-" Ram, who had been trying badly to remain calm and behave normal was cut off, as Lakshman threw away a vase angrily. 

Looking at the shattered pieces of Polystyrene, Lakshman could relate to the state of his heart.

"What do you MEAN? WHAT? You mean that you and Bhabhi will leave your home just because of the mindless words of some lady and I will sit back and watch?? Like, Seriously? Even if, By any god damned chance, you ARE thinking so, Let me tell you, I WONT! I would kill. I would kill her. Yeah, I WILL kill her!" Lakshman exclaimed, before unleashing his sword out of the case and running rapidly towards the Kopabhavana.

Ram came out of his senses as soon as Sita nudged him anxiously, actioning him to follow Lakshman before he does something unthinkable. Ram nodded hastily, before rushing behind his brother, calling out his name and asking him to stop

"Lakshman! What do you think you are doing?" Ram asked, finally catching up with him, and glared at him dangerously (For RAM'S standards), but Lakshman's face dint betray even a single emotion that he was feeling in his heart

"I will kill her, Bhaiyya. I will fight Bharat if its needed. I will imprison the king if required. But I wont let you go, at ANY COST" Lakshman stated, as if it was very normal to do the mentioned things. 

He quickly jerked away from Ram's grip and proceeded to open the door of Kopabhavana, and thats when He felt Ram holding his hand yet again, this time physically turning him around and Giving a tight slap on his cheek.

Sita and Urmila, who reached there just at the moment, gasped hard. Sita covered her shocked mouth, while Urmila closed her eyes, almost relieved. There was no other way her husband could be controlled, given the scenario and the anger that he felt.

Lakshman, on the other hand, could feel nothing. He dint lay his hand on the place where he was slapped by his bhaiyya, he dint even raise his head and look at anyone. He was just frozen, with all sorts of pessimistic and absolutely negative thoughts running in his head. He stayed there, in that position for minutes, breathing heavily, his anger slowly pouring out as tears. 

Ram dint even know what had gotten into him when he just swung his hand wildly on Lakshman. His heart broke into pieces as he saw his Laksh, who had something to say in each and every situation, fell quite all of a sudden. Those cold, emotionless eyes of his beloved brother pierced his heart, and made him feel slightly guilty. Instead of explaining things calmly, he chose to act aggressively with Lakshman, of all people.

Suffered in silence ~~ Legend of SumitranandansWhere stories live. Discover now