Pehla pehla pyaar~ BharVi

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Disclaimer- Please dont read further if you dont like shri Ram  or his brothers to be shown as a human. No hatred would be accepted.  I am, by no means, disregarding any character, just attempting to show their inner human feelings. Thank you.

(Dont kill me for that utterly stupid title!

 And also, my writing quality would be lower than a china made watch, I am currently going through something you can call as writer's block. So pls bear with me and dont read further if you find the story boring, which I am certain you would. Thank you

I swear to Ram if you dont comment well, I will stop writing-)


Bharat and the twins stood in the garden under the warm sun rays, talking about things in general.

"Glory to the princes!" The talks were disrupted by a soldier. The three of them swirled around and nodded, as if to acknowledge his greeting

"Crown prince Ram has summoned you three in the guest chambers, my prince"

They nodded, before dismissing the soldier. They headed towards the guest chamber, which was given to them by the Mithilan King.

" Ram Bhaiyya" They chorused together (Hey, Pragyu, I just realized that I use two 'Y' in Bhaiyya. It came out as a habit!)

Ram set aside his scrolls and looked towards the door where his brothers stood. He actioned them to come inside. He missed talking to his brothers. Though he and Lakshman were always together, they dint get any time to have a chat, in general. They did talk, but that was always about the next move they were going to play on the demons. In short, warriors spoke, Brothers dint.

"You called us bhaiyya? Any work, order us." Bharat said, hands folded behind his back. The 3 of them stood in front of Ram like school kids standing in front of their strict principle with bowed heads and hands folded at their back.

"What? Cant I call you.... Just like that, maybe? To have a little chat, you know. I mean, it has been nearly an year Since we have had a nice heart- to- heart talk. You tell me, Laksh, we have been together all the time, how many times did we really speak like 'Bhaiyya and Laksh?' and not like two warriors? Forgot our bro-code?" Ram asked raising his eyebrows. 

It was their bro-code that they would NEVER go without Having a nice hearty talk every night, whatever the situation might be. Yes, they were separated due to all this chaos, but then, physical distance never mattered, did it? It was their love and immense trust that is and would continue to be the driving force of their spirits, to perform their duties with utmost perfection when the Darkest times hit  them and their eternal soulmates.

3 of them smiled and settled down beside their eldest. Ram pushed away all the scrolls and books giving his brothers the place to sit on the bed.

"So, whats going on in my  little brothers' lives, huh?" Ram started the conversation. 

"Any love affairs without my notice?" He asked quite boldly with a teasing smirk on his face. He got strikingly contrasting reactions this time. Bharat was red as a tomato and Shatrughan's eyes popped out of his sockets.

 Lakshman went into a coughing fit.

"Laksh? What happened?" Ram asked, as though he knew nothing. This question was intended for Lakshman to confess about his feelings about Urmila, so that he could take the initiative of suggesting their marriage in front of Pitashree. But it seemed like his brother needed time, and if that was the case, then so be it. He wont go against his wishes, of course.

Internally smirking, Ram handed a goblet of water to his brother who seemed like he would love to continue coughing for an eternity than answering this question.

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