Fourteen thousand Demons

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Guys, I have stopped writing for others and I have also stopped caring about comments. But it would be good to hear you, It demotivates me to not have enough response.


"Bhrataa!!" Shurpanakha cried out quite dramatically

She was standing in front of two big thrones, which were made of bones and leaf twigs, typically screaming the word 'Rakshasa'

And, sitting on those thrones were to large demons, each looking as demonly (Is that even a word?) as possible.

Khara, the elder one, and Dushana, the younger one, were both Shurpanakha's cousins, who were in charge of the forests of Dandakaranya.

"Who did this, Shurpanakha?!" Khara thundered, hitting his hand on his thigh.

"Those hermits-" Shurpanakha cried, and explained the story to her brothers.

"They will be dead by evening, Shurpanakha." Dushana assured her


Lakshman had decided that Shurpanakha was stupid, but to this extent? Like, fifteen men to kill them, when the fault was entirely hers?

Even When his bhaiyya, with his one single arrow, cut off all fifteen heads with a single arrow, and that psychopath woman left crying, he couldn't help but feel a little shaken up inside. Not because he feared the demons or anything, really. It was because, he now knew that Shurpanakha would go to any extent to avenge herself, and that meant she could also try to harm bhaiyya, or even worse, bhabhi.

He shuddered. What if cutting off her nose was the worst thing he ever did?


"Come out, you hermit!" Khara shouted, standing in front of the hut

Rama heard him, and so did Sita and Lakshman. Rama exchanged a nod with Lakshman, and both of them knew what to do

While Rama picked his bow and ran towards the door, Lakshmana picked his own and gestured Sita towards the back door

When Rama reached the door of their cottage, he met with the sight of around fourteen thousand Demons, headed by Khara and Dushana

"Retreat." Rama said calmly
"Dharma is with us, it is you who will be harmed"

When those only-brawns-no-brains refused to listen, Rama silently invoked an astra, which materialised on his bow in seconds. He pulled back the bow string and released his fingers, and with a twang, the arrow released into the air, killing all the fourteen thousand Demons in one shot

Now, just think over, if this divine man could kill fourteen thousands in one shot, then how much time would it take him to kill their two, army less leaders?


"Ram!" Sita cried out as he came near the cave where Lakshmana had been guarding her.
Lakshman, after exchanging a nod with his brother, left towards the hut.

Sita Ran into Ram's arms immediately. Rama wrapped himself around her, with a hand going through her hair

And then suddenly, separating herself from the hug, she looked into his emerald eyes and smiled gorgeously

"Ram, I am so proud of you!" She said with all the pride in the world, for her husband. Rama chose to just smile modestly.

Moments like these often made Rama to think of those blissful days between the swayamvara and their wedding

(Flashbacks in italics. That star separated flash and present)

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