Pillars of Raghukula

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Bhumija. Janaki. Vaidehi. Maithilli. Ramapriya


That's what she was, just Sita. Sitting at the banks of godavari river with her silky curls left open for Vayudeva to play with, even if it was just for a few fleeting moments, she was just Sita. Nothing more, Nothing less

But that was just for a while, before her Raghava and Lakshman would be back, and she would again gladly take up the role of a wife and a motherly Sister

Sita smiled at her reflection in the flowing river. A human plays so many characters in his or her lifetime, that at times, life itself seems like an act on the stage

But it were the consequences that made all the difference. A character played wrong on the stage could be rectified, but a character played wrong in life would leave its mark; haunting you forever

Sita found herself in smiles. Ram's company was definitely rubbing off on her; she was becoming more and more philosophical day by day

She again stared at her reflection in the river, this time in a deep thought. Who was she? Where did it all start?

'It', the act known as life, had started when her father, the King of Videha, had been generous enough to give a home and family to a girl who he did not know the origin of, claiming her to be Mother earth's blessing.

Her heart did not know how to express her gratitude to her father, who made her the Sita that she was today. Or even her mother, for that matter, who never differentiated between her and their own daughter, Urmila.

Urmila. The name bought a new bout of sadness. Her dear Sister, whom she wanted to embrace heartily and tell her what an amazing person she is.

And, thinking about Urmila, somehow made her think of her other two sisters as well, who, she knew, were equally amazing.

She sighed into nothingness. It made her feel depressed to think of all that love that she was showered with while growing up and how she was given the same love after marriage as well, before being stripped off it harshly.

One must not wrong her, though. She was perfectly happy with Rama by her side, he was the source of her happiness. But that did not mean she didn't miss having the others by her side, those who completed Sita.

From the very start, Sita had been an enthusiastic participant in Janaka's court, listening and solving her subjects' problems with ease. That was majorly because she liked making people happy

When a person would smile due to her, she felt all the happiness in the world. That was perhaps the reason why her father always said that she would make a very fine Queen one day

She would stay up at nights, thinking of ways to provide employment to the beggars. She would spend days on arranging proper education for the children of her land.

'Enchantress' as they called her. She could apparently take away all their problems, all their sorrows, with a snap of her finger.

Sita again smiled. Her people at Mithilla used to say that she would turn out to be an awesome empress one day, and were apparently enraged when she left the palace with her husband.

But for all Sita knew, She was still the empress.

An empress who ruled upon the forests. An empress who ruled her husband's heart.

An impregnable empress!

(Ok, this was on request of Ramayana_lover But sorry Pragyu, I really couldn't write about this more than what I did. Like I did try, but yeah)

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