Nalina dalekshana Rama!

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A/N- Ok, so the title literally means- Rama, whose eyes are as beautiful as lotus petals. I did NOT find a better suitable title, so kshama


Ram missed them all. All of them.

His mothers, his brothers, his sisters, his ever loving praja, his home, everything.

He had not been doing too good in coming in terms with his father's death, either. And from the look of it, Sita and Lakshman have not, either. He and Lakshman would sit under the shade of the peepal tree for hours together in piercing silence holding each other's hands tightly, while Sita would occasionally sit beside Ram, or she would feed young birds just to divert herself. Ram and Lakshman, unfortunately, have not been very successful in diverting themselves

Ram was tired. Tired, of telling himself that everything will be fine, when he deep down knows that nothing will be totally fine till fourteen years. Tired, of pretending that he was not affected by anything that happened in the last few days of his life. Tired, of seeing his loved ones cry because of decisions that were made by him. 

Tired of telling his little heart that his father is not coming back.

Ram sighed, tears rolling down his cheeks. And within no time, his entire body was shaking with sobs

"Ram?" Sita's voice cut through Ram' torturous sobs, and when she noticed him in tears, she was instantly by his side

"S-Sita. Sita, everyone's gone. P-Papa is dead, Sita! How much more worse ca-can this get-t?" Ram choked out, and he felt Sita's hands going through his hair in response

"Everyone's not gone, Ram. You still have me, you have Lakshman. And, you and I both know that we will be with each other till the very end, wont we?" Sita said in her trademark gentle voice

Ram's tears cleared and his mind was working a bit again and now, he felt guilty for saying that Everyone's gone, when he still had His Sita and his little Laksh with him. Both of them who had left literally everything and followed him into a fourteen year long exile, an exile full of unpredictable happenings.

That was the amount of trust they had put in their Ram, and his mind questioned him wether it was right on his part to say that Everyone's gone?

"You have no reason to feel guilty, Ram. Its quite natural to feel that everyone's gone when you have such a huge family, which, overnight, is reduced to only two people, even if those two people are Me and Lakshman. No worries, I am not offended, and I am sure Lakshman isnt, either" Sita's tone turned light hearted at the end, to which Ram laughed a little, clearing any tears from his emerald green eyes.

(Hey there, potterheads!)

"Do you have any idea how wonderful you are, Sita?" Ram asked her, looking straight into her beautiful eyes.

Sita blinked playfully.

"Well, Mr. Husband, I dont know, why dont you tell me?" Sita asked, more like teased him

"Well, Mrs. Wife-" And then Ram went on singing her praises, until a red faced Sita finally stopped him

Those lotus eyes of Rama were once again filled with a sense of peace, and security


Bharat sat on a small boulder in front of their newly prepared hut, thinking. 

Thinking, he seemed to have started to think a lot in the past few days. In fact, to Bharat, thinking was the only thing he was able to do, because he was miserably failing at implementing what he thought.

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