Entry of the heroes

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"Raghukul nayak, The son of Queen Kaushalya, Eldest prince of Suryavansh, Prince RAM SURYAVANSHI" Vashishth held the newborn child of Dashrath and Kaushalya, as the ayodhya cheered for their eldest prince, their 'Taranhaar'

Ram....... As soon as Sumitra, who was expecting her twins anytime now, heard it, she felt a kick, from her elder one.

Vashishth slowly looked at the Son of Kaikeyi, who was just a day younger to Ram, and was born just a few hours ago, and picked him up.

Kaikeyi gave birth to her little one just a few hours ago, but wasnt tired or anything, because she had a painless delivery.

Such was Her son, who Couldnt even Imagine of paining Someone

"Second Prince of Suryavansh, abode of Dharma and virtue just like his eldest, Will be known to the world as BHARAT SURYAVANSHI"

Another kick...... But this time the mother inside Sumitra could tell that it was from her younger one.

"I am waiting, My darlings..." She whispered against her abdomen, and that's when she felt out of breath, and she realized that her water broke

"Sumitra!!!" Kaushalya rushed to call the medic, as Kaikeyi helped helped Sumitra till her bed, and took Ram and Bharat out.


Kaikeyi was managing Ram and Bharat, who were crying badly, and Kaushalya was inside with Sumitra, Dashrath was Helping Kaikeyi

"Bharat, son calm down, and Ram, please stop kicking, You dont have to win a football match!!!" Kaikeyi pleaded, but that only resulted in Bharat wailing more loudly, and Ram Kicking more rapidly

"GOD, WHATS HAPPENING!!??" Kaikeyi screamed, clutching her hair

Kaushalya rushed out of the chamber, teary eyed, with a baby in her hand, who was unresponsive.

"Kaikeyi......THE FIRST ONE IS BORN D-DEAD....." Kaushalya declared, to which Kaikeyi started sobbing, and anger came gushing to Ram's veins.

"Relax, Kaikeyi......We can still save Sumi and the second one......We-we will just accept this as this little one's fate......." Kaushalya said, dejectedly, to which Ram felt his world being shaken badly.

Ram Wailed more and more loud, as if his world just ended

Kaikeyi, unable to see her ladla crying, took him near Kaushalya.

Ram gently touched His dear Brother's cheek, and Lo and behold,

Suddenly, a shrill, loud cry erupted in the royal palace of Ayodhya. No, it wasnt the second Saumitra, It was the first one!!


Ram smiled, no, gave a full blown grin, such that his face might even split into two.

"MIRACLE!!!! THE KID SURVIVED!!!" Kaushalya exclaimed, to which Kaikeyi nodded

" He had to survive, Maharani......he has many purposes to fulfil..... " Guru Vashishth said, entering the scene.

Before any one could say anything, another cry was heard.....

A smile appeared on the one day old Bharat's face unknowingly

Kaikeyi and Kaushalya rushed inside along with Bharat, handing the first Saumitra to Guru vashishth, who happily obliged.

Bharat entered the chamber, only to meet a happy mid-wife, who came forward with a beautiful baby in her arms, and handed him to a more than happy Kaikeyi.

"The younger prince...." The mid-wife said.

The four princes were placed in a row in which they were born, and they looked towards each other, eyes of the newborns conveying many emotions

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