The changes

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Ram stared at Bharat, open mouthed. He dint look the SLIGHTEST bit like his little brother. 

He looked as if he had aged decades in the last few days, with bags under his eyes, indicating the real need of sleep he was in. He had tears running down his face, and looked as red as he could become. And his eyes, oh those grey eyes once filled with love, kindness, and most of all, life. It was devoid of all of it at the moment.

Unable to look at Bharat anymore, he turned his gaze towards Shatrughan, who had arrived just at the moment, and was continuing the staring game Ram and Bharat had started

Shatrughan looked no better, honestly. There were a few things Ram loved to do. They included Pampering Sita, serving his parents, Guiding Bharat in any way he needed, and babying Lakshman and shatrughan all the time. But, now, he could no longer baby them, because one look at Shatrughan made the harsh reality hit Ram. His brothers were no longer the little boys he used to adore. They, all 3 of them, had grown up overnight.

He dint even WANT to glance at Lakshman, but when he forcefully did, Lakshman had his head bown down, looking as if he would rather drown himself in sarayu than stand there.

And because he dint want that, Ram decided to break the awkward silence. But before he could do so, Sita came bursting out of the hut, and Bharat fell on Ram's feet, begging forgiveness for something he never did.

Ram hastened to pick his brother up from his feet, and hugged him. Out of the corner of his eye, he actioned Lakshman and Shatrughan to join them with an encouraging smile.

Ram dint know anything. 

He had absolutely no idea why Bharat and Shatrughan were here, why Bharat was looking as if there is still a lot to say, and he dint know at all why Lakshman decided to suspect Bharat.

But now, as they stood in a situation where no one could decipher the other's emotions, maybe Ram was the only one who blamed none.

He dint Blame Kaikeyi for having him exiled

He dint blame Dasharatha to have granted those boons

He certainly dint blame Bharat, because he knew that would be the most pointless thing to do

He dint blame Lakshman for doubting Bharat's intentions

Heck, he dint even blame MANTHARA.

Because, as the brothers tackled each other, almost falling down in the process, Ram knew he could live his whole life, let alone 14 years, just on the memory of this beautiful moment

For it was all he needed.


Bharat felt warm tears rush to his face as he saw his brothers and bhabhi standing in the clothes of hermits. Thats not something they deserved.

But again, who has ever gotten something they deserved? It was Ram bhaiyya who deserved the throne, not him. But did he get it?

Bharat's fists tightened. All he wanted to do at the moment, was to curl up and die

Having his brother pointing an arrow had been no great experience either. While a part of him had a whole lot of justifications for Lakshman, the other part of him just refused to believe that Lakshman, of all people, dint trust him. That was just too heart breaking for him to take

When he looked up at Lakshman after all of them released each other from the hug and he had had a talk to Ram bhaiyya, he found Lakshman staring at the ground silently, hoping that it would split open and swallow him up

Bharat's heart melted. Whatever might have happened a few moments ago, Lakshman was still the brother he loved, and he was still the brother Lakshman loved

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