When Lakshmana finally had enough of everything

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I love the title XD


Lakshmana had seen enough, he couldn't see this anymore. His bhaiyya dissolved more and more into his own thoughts, tortured by his own conscience.
He would sit with his knees pulled to himself for hours on an end, not speaking a single word. And even if he did speak, it was the most negative thoughts Lakshmana had ever heard from the most optimistic person to ever exist

To add salt to the already quite deep wounds that both of them silently bore, Sugriva seemed to have forgotten his promise, because they were two weeks past monsoon, and there still wasn't any sign of the vanara troops.

This, This is what disappointed Rama more than anything. Prior to any anger, what he felt was sadness. Sadness that the man (Ape) he had trusted with what meant his very life turned out to be unbothered about the Promise he had made. Promise, for which Rama had left his home, his family for, in a blink of eye. Rama valued promises to an extent greater than anything else. So, the Vanara King's reluctance to fulfill his promise hurt Rama deeply

Apart from that, though, he missed Sita. He missed that simple presence of hers, her words which could motivate him whenever he felt low, her eyes which shone brightly even in the darkness and her smile which lit up his universe. He missed his Sita, his Janaki who had been snatched away from him in a manner none would even dream of. He hated his helplessness, his inability to do anything but wait.

He sometimes could feel her presence beside him while hanging between sleep and consciousness. He would hurriedly open his eyes and look around frantically, before realizing that he had imagined it. It would then become difficult for him to stop the tears from flowing

Lakshmana tried his level best to console him, and Rama often felt guilty about the immense worry he was putting his poor brother through. They would speak too, on evenings which were chillier than others and it was cold enough without their eyes being icy. And those conversations were what that kept Rama alive. The hope and optimism that Lakshmana conveyed through his words were enough to reignite his own optimism, more often than not.

But sometimes even that wouldn't help, and he couldn't help but wonder what exactly was Sugriva doing at that time, and the possibility of him forgetting his words.

Lakshmana had been an onlooker of his brother's pain. He has seen all his tears, all his hopelessness, all his agony, but had somehow maintained his patience until the monsoon subsided. After that, however, Lakshmana just needed a nod from his brother and he knew he would bring Sugriva to Rama's feet.

And well, Lakshmana did get his approval. After so many weeks of silent agony, Rama finally turned to Lakshmana with a blazing look in his eyes

"It seems like he has forgotten his promise, Lakshman. Go, and remind him that the arrow that sent Vali to the abode of Yama is still present in my quiver and that I can retrieve my Sita without his help too"

Lakshmana didn't need to be told twice. Sugriva was so done.


Angada was the crown prince of Kishkindha.

Well, that wasn't all that was there to it, but that was the first thing that could be said about him. That, and the fact that he was Vali's son.

But unlike what some might assume about him, he wasn't much like what his father had become in the last few years of his life. He had a very straight approach in life, and that was to do what was right and do it with all of his heart and soul.

So, when he spotted a very angry looking man storming down the lanes of Kishkindha, and unintentionally scaring every Vanara who had the misfortune of crossing his path, he knew the right thing to do would be to inform Hanuman of this new crisis, for his uncle- the new king- was too preoccupied with- ahem- other stuff

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