Chapter 1

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"J-Jay-" Emily tried to speak. 

"No. No, don't speak, Em." JJ said to Emily. She could start to see that Emily was getting tired and her life slipping away. "Hey, stay with me. Don't go to sleep." JJ said. She was holding Emily's hand with one hand while also putting pressure on the gunshot wound. She looked behind and saw Brooklyn and Matthew holding Sylvie's father down until police arrive. 

"I'm just... so..." Emily said, trailing off. 

"I know babes. Remember that time at the rodeo when we first made eye contact?" JJ asked, trying to keep Emily awake. Emily nodded her head. "I remember everyone on the team freaking out, mainly Garcia, because you winked at me. I had just gotten out of a relationship with Will, so I didn't really think anything of it. But then, at the bar, I could start to see that you were kind of amazing. Of course, I didn't think I was into girls at the time. But, you kind of changed that. Now I'm happily married to the most beautiful woman in the world who I would do anything for. Even if it meant that I died just so you could live." JJ said, tears streaming down her face. Emily's grip on her hand got tighter. JJ looked into Emily's eyes and saw a tear drip down the side of her face. 

"I don't... want you... to... die." Emily got out. That made JJ's heart break even more. Just the way she said it made JJ cry even more. 

"I don't want you to die either." JJ said. She finally heard the sirens, and in came police officers and paramedics. 

"What happened?" the guy paramedic asked. 

"A GSW to the right side of the chest." JJ said. She moved so they could do their job even though she didn't want to. 

"She's lost a lot of blood, and her pulse is weak. Hey, can you tell me your name?" he asked. 

"Emily." she said softly. JJ knew she couldn't hold on for much longer, but she had to keep her hopes up. She knew that Emily was a fighter, and she had to have high hopes that she would fight through this. 

"Emily, I'm going to need you to stay awake for me, okay?" he asked. She nodded her head. "Great. Let's get her to the hospital." he said. They put her on the back board before putting her on the stretcher. They rolled her out to the ambulance, and JJ decided to go with them. She held Emily's hand the entire time to the hospital. However, she had to let go when they got there so they could get her into an operating room immediately. She went to the waiting room and sat down. 

"I'm assuming you just got married?" she heard someone ask. She was zoned out, but heard the voice. She looked up and saw an elderly woman sitting across from her. 

"Huh?" JJ asked. 

"Well, judging by your dress and the time of year, I'm going with you just got married or about to get married." she said. 

"Oh. I just got married literally like 20 minutes ago." JJ answered. 

"So what's got you in here, if you don't mind me asking?" she asked. 

"I don't mind. Um, well, my wife had an abortion when she was just 14, and the father of that baby came back today, of all days, and ended up shooting her soon after we kissed. Now we're here, and she's in surgery." JJ explained. 

"Wow. Why would he do that? Judging by your age, I'm assuming she's about 30. So why is he just now showing up if he had that much anger for her?" she asked. 

"Your guess is as good as mine. It just seems like when things are just starting to go great, things just fall apart again. I mean, our relationship hasn't exactly been the easiest. She's been kidnapped, raped, tortured, beaten. I've been near an explosion and could've died if I would've stayed in the building any longer. We were stocked by my psycho ex. She was kidnapped by her psycho ex. She was kidnapped again by my childhood best friend around the time I was near the explosion. I quit my job in Virginia to be with her here after she had an accident in bull riding. I didn't have to. I could've just broke up with her, but I loved her more and didn't want to lose her. I've almost lost her so many times. I mean, she has enough power to fight through this time, right? I can't lose her. Not now. We just started a new chapter of our life. I'm sorry, I'm rambling. You probably didn't want to know all of this." JJ said. 

"No, it's okay. It seems like you need to talk to someone, so I will be that someone. I'm a complete stranger, so who better to talk to than a stranger who you will probably never meet again?" she asked, trying to lighten the mood. JJ slightly smiled. 

"I guess there's just a lot I haven't really talked to anyone about." JJ said. 

"Well, first congratulations on your marriage. Now, about the thing in life where it seems like it's going good then falls apart. Life is what you make it to be. To you, it may seem like nothing goes the way you plan, and God wants your life to be miserable no matter what you do. However, the way that I'm hearing and seeing it is that it isn't about being miserable. It's kind of like a test of your love for one another. Most couples, when things get tough they just break up because they can't handle it. But, you two have stay together through it all. You've stayed together through the ups and downs, and that's what real love is. Your journey together hasn't shown how cursed you guys are. It's shown the true love that you have for one another. It's shown that no matter what, you guys will be there for each other even it's good or bad. You've stayed strong in your relationship, and that kind of love is hard to find nowadays." she said. 

"I guess I've never looked at it that way." JJ said. 

"I've been around a long time. Relationships are what they used to be. But I can definitely tell how much you love your wife in just the who minute and a half we've been talking." she said. 

"She's my entire world. Her, our dog, our cat, and our two children. I love all of them with my entire heart, and if we lose her, I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't know how I'm going to function." JJ said. 

"As someone who has lost a spouse, it won't be easy. Especially in the beginning. It may not get any easier, but I can tell you that there are going to be little things that do bring you joy. Whatever they are, never stop doing them. It may be reading or knitting. Whatever it is, don't quit. Love your fur babies and your children as much as you can because you really never know when the last time you will see them. Always say that you love them last so that way if your time is up, then that will be the last words they hear. I'm not saying this is going to happen. But in case it does. I'm sure that your wife will fight through it. It seems as if she's already been through a lot already." she said. Just as JJ was about to speak, everyone walks in. 

"Hey, how is she?" Maya asked. 

"I don't know. I haven't heard anything." JJ said. They all give her hugs before sitting down. They waited and waited and waited until finally the doctor walks in for Emily. 

"Can I speak to you privately?" he asked. JJ knew this was a bad sign. She nodded her head and followed him into a separate small room. The information he gave her made all of her fears come true. After crying for what felt like hours, she walked back into the waiting room to inform the others. They looked at her with hopeful eyes, but they could tell that by her facial expression that the information wasn't good. 

"She never made it off the table." JJ finally said. Everyone started crying, and Maya walked up to her to give her a comforting hug. 

"I'm so sorry." Maya said. JJ sobbed and sobbed until she couldn't anymore. 

"Where's that lady that was sitting over there? I never saw her leave." JJ asked. 

"What lady? There was no one in here when we walked in." Maya said. 

"No. I was talking to her, and then you guys walked in." JJ said. 

"I'm sorry, Jay, but no one was here with you." Maya said. 


Hey guys! Here's the start of the sequel! Hopefully you don't hate me! I've decided to try something new and have a soundtrack for each chapter. Let me know your thoughts on it. I hope you like this chapter!

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