Chapter 15

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"Hey mom." Declan said as he got in the car after his shift at Little Caesar's. He sounded tired, unenthusiastic, and slightly angry all at once. 

"Are you okay?" Emily asked him. 

"Yeah. Just tired is all." he said. He had field hockey practice after school and worked right after that from 5-9. 

"Did something happen at work that I should know about?" she asked, momma bear almost coming out. 

"No, not really. Just, this couple came in and ordered their plain ass veggie pizza with no cheese and breadsticks. As they were waiting and I was taking another customer's order, they were arguing about what the girl was going to wear to a wedding. The guy had made a comment to the girl about how she was never going to find the right shoe because she wore the biggest size. With her being pregnant, she was probably going to go up in shoe size. But he told her that it was impossible because she already wore the biggest size there is in an angry way. I wanted to tell him that he shouldn't be angry at her for having a bigger foot than his dick but didn't because I actually need my job to pay for a car. It just made me angry that he said that to her." he said. 

"Well, first of all, language. Second of all, I'm glad that you didn't say anything. I wouldn't want you to get fired." Emily said. 

"Do you mind if we stop at the grocery store so I can get something to drink and some snacks?" he asked. 

"Sure." Emily said. She drove to the nearest one, Walmart, and they went inside. As they were shopping, Emily could feel someone staring at them. She turned and looked and saw a woman with her daughter who looked to be no older than 14. They were snickering at them. "I'm sorry, but do you have a problem?" Emily asked. 

"As a matter of fact, I do. Why is your son in a work uniform? And why does he need you to drive him here? Doesn't he have his own car and license?" she asked. Emily was going to say something, but Declan chimed in instead. 

"I'm in a work uniform because I have a job to earn my own money. I don't have my own car or my license because I'm waiting until I'm 18 so I don't have to go through driver's ed and pay an arm and a leg just to learn how to operate a vehicle. I can learn from my moms. I don't rely on my moms for anything. My father wasn't the greatest, but he did teach me to earn and work for what I want." Declan said. 

"That is the saddest and most pathetic thing I've ever heard." she said. 

"Exactly. My daddy works for a company, and he makes about a million dollars a year. So I don't ever need a job." she girl said. 

"It isn't sad or pathetic. Because when I'm old enough to move out and have saved so much money to do things on my own and actually know how to cook, clean, and work, your spoiled little brat of a daughter will still be living with you and expect you to pay for her lifestyle. And, well, I'm sorry, but mom, here, is a billionaire. She's more rich than your father will ever be. Plus my other mom is a cop and ex-FBI agent. So sorry to burst your bubble, but my family is a lot more rich than yours. Have a good day." Declan said, and they walked away. 

"I'm proud of you to stand up for yourself." Emily said. 

"I'm just tired of people judging me because I chose to do this." he said. 

"You know I can always buy you a car." Emily said. 

"I'd rather work for it. But thanks for the offer." he said. "Also, Friday do you think I could go to Seth's house?" he asked. 

"I mean I guess. Is this for your project or to just hangout?" she asked him. 

"It's just to hangout. We're actually done with our project." he said. 

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