Chapter 23

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~Four months later~

It has been four months since JJ had seen Emily or the kids and even Elizabeth. JJ was getting worried about them since she hadn't heard from them in a long time. But she knew Emily just needed her distance, and that's what JJ was doing. "K9 unit is needed at 134 S. Bend St. for a drug search. Additional K9 unit is needed for a suspect search. Please be advised, suspect is armed and dangerous." JJ heard over the scanner. 

"500 en route to scene." JJ said. 

"751 en route to scene." she heard Matt say. They get in their cruisers and go to the address the dispatcher gave them. When they arrived, they noticed many officers there from the Sheriff's department as well as the city police department. 

"You're 500 and 751, correct?" an officer asked them. They both nodded. "Okay. 500, I want you and your K9 to help search for the suspect. 751, I want you and your K9 to search the house and garage for drugs." the officer ordered. JJ figured that he was the captain on scene or at least sergeant. 

"Yes, sir." they both said and did what they were commanded to do. JJ was handed something of the suspect to smell to get his scent. Once Nala smelled it and knew what she was looking for, she began to run. JJ ran with her until they got to the beginning of the woods. Nala put her nose close to the ground and began to sniff around. Other officers and another K9 were looking for the suspect. They were searching for half an hour before Nala and the other K9 picked up on his scent more and began to follow it. They were only able to go a little distance before they lost the scent. However, soon after the scent was lost, they hear a gunshots being fired. 

"Shots fired! I repeat, shots fired!" an officer said on their radio. They took cover but could spot the suspect. JJ looked above in the trees and saw part of a shoe. She drew her gun and shot it. She heard the guy shout and fall out of the tree. Nala and the other K9 saw him and ran after him. He saw them and began to shoot at them. Officers started shooting at him to save the K9's, but it was too late. Nala and the other K9 were both hit. 

"Nala!" JJ screamed. 

"Mittens!" the other officer screamed. JJ ran up to Nala and assessed where she was shot. She had been shot in the neck, but it looked like the bullet grazed it. But she was still losing a lot of blood. JJ tried to keep herself from crying, but she couldn't. She took off her vest and uniform shirt so she was able to take off her tank top. She didn't care that other officers could see her bra. Once her tank top was off, she put back on her uniform shirt and vest and began to use her tank top as a way to absorb the blood while she put some pressure on the wound. 

"Jareau! We need to get her and Mittens transported to the animal emergency right now." an officer said to her. 

"I can't take my hand away from her wound. I need to keep applying pressure so she doesn't bleed out." JJ said through her tears. 

"I'll carry her. You just keep applying pressure." he said. JJ nodded her head, and they began to run back to where their cruisers are. Before they could reach, an explosion had happened at the house, knocking them on the ground. JJ had been knocked out for a minute, but when she woke up, her ears were ringing. The officer helping her carry Nala was out, so she crawled over to him and shook him until he woke up. 

"We need to get her to the hospital." JJ said. She didn't know if he could hear her. Hell, she could barely hear herself. But the guy nodded, and they regrouped themselves and carried Nala to JJ's cruiser. They had to improvise and hold Nala in the front seat as best as they could. JJ sat in the passenger seat so she could keep pressure on the wound while the officer drove to the animal hospital with the lights and sirens on. He called it in to dispatch, and they let him know that the nearest animal hospital was expecting them. 

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