Chapter 25

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"Can you take me to the station? I need to tell Sergeant Galloway something." JJ said. Brooklyn gave her a questioning look. 

"It's only been a week. You've already been to the hospital once because you fought Chloe. Your head isn't going to get much better if you go outside or listen to music. You've thrown up multiple times this week. You're staying home." Brooklyn said sternly. 

"I just need to tell her this one thing, and then we can go. I promise." JJ said. 

"I don't think so. It can wait." Brooklyn said. 

"It actually can't. I just need to tell her this." JJ argued. 

"Are you sleeping with her, too?" Brooklyn asked in a snarky tone. Her eyes got wide after she said that. "JJ, I-" 

"Don't even say you didn't mean it. You said it, you meant it. That's how that works. And for your information, no, I'm not sleeping with her. She may be attractive, but it's against policy. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get to the station." JJ said, pushing past Brooklyn to get to the front door. 

"You can't drive. And you're not supposed to be out in the sun." Brooklyn said before JJ left. 

"You're not my mother." JJ said and left. She put on sunglasses before walking out onto the street. She almost immediately felt nauseous, but she was determined to get to the station. Her nausea was getting the best of her, so she made a pit stop in an alley and threw up behind a dumpster. 

"Already day drinking, huh? Yeah me too." someone said, scaring JJ. 

"Actually just pregnant. I couldn't walk any further without throwing up." JJ said. 

"Ah, I remember those days. The only thing that helped me throughout the day was to snack on ice chips if I was feeling nauseous. Sometimes a banana too. But I've learned that if you eat bland food, drink plenty of fluids, keep up on your prenatal vitamins, and snack throughout the day instead of three full meals it can help with morning sickness sometimes. But everyone is different, and so is every pregnancy. Just listen to your body and understand its' triggers for nausea. Learn what it likes and what it doesn't like. That's the best way for you to get through this." the stranger said. 

"Thank you." JJ said with a smile. 

"You have a blessed day now, hun." the stranger said. 

"You too." JJ said and walked towards the station. When she arrived, she noticed just about every noise that was happening at the same time, and it was overwhelming her. 

"JJ? You and Brooklyn still have another week and a half off." Sergeant Galloway said. 

"I know. I just have something really important I need to tell you." JJ said, not removing her sunglasses. 

"Okay. Lets go to my office." she said. JJ followed her into her office and closed the door. 

"I never thought I would be telling you this, let alone anyone because I've thought that it was impossible to even happen for me." JJ said. 

"Okay. You're kind of scaring me. What's wrong?" she asked. 

"Nothing's wrong, I'm pregnant." JJ said. Sergeant Galloway looked at JJ with a shocked expression before smiling and congratulating her. 

"That's amazing! How far along are you?" 

"About four months. Almost five months." JJ said. 

"Do you know what you're having?" she asked. 

"Not yet. I find that out in my next appointment." JJ answered. 

"Well this is amazing news. Does Emily know?" 

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