Chapter 11

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**Trigger warning- mentions of cutting**

"Emily Monroe Prentiss, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Elizabeth asked as she walked into her house after watching the kids. 

"Jesus mom, don't be so loud." Emily groaned. Elizabeth could see multiple bottles of alcohol laying on the floor and half a bottle of wine left. Elizabeth looked closer at Emily and saw that there were cuts on her arm. 

"What the hell did you do to yourself, Emily?" Elizabeth asked, getting towels to wrap around Emily's arms while she looked for bandages. 

"I'm not wanted anymore. Declan was right about me. I'm the worst mother ever. I don't know what I was thinking." Emily said. she took one more drink before Elizabeth took the bottle away from her. 

"He was not right about you. I see how much you love them. He's just really hurt that you made this decision. He probably was still mourning your death, and then poof you pop out of nowhere." Elizabeth said. Elizabeth found bandages and made sure that the blood was cleaned up before putting on the bandages. The rest of the night was Emily crying while Elizabeth held her until she fell asleep. Elizabeth got up carefully and put a blanket over her so she wouldn't get too cold. 

The next day Emily wakes up and eats a pint of ice cream for breakfast. She didn't care about what she had. She's been told that it's doesn't matter what you eat in the morning. As long as you eat something, it's still considered breakfast. "You know there's no nutritional value in that, right?" Emily heard. She turned and saw who she figured was her mom's personal chef. 

"It's technically made from milk, so there's calcium in it." Emily said. 

"I guess, but that's basically all." he said. "I'm Craig." he said. 

"Emily. Elizabeth's daughter." Emily said. 

"I knew she said she had a daughter, but I didn't know you'd be a goddess." he said. 

"My wife has better pickup lines than you." Emily said. 

"So you're gay?" he asked. 

"Very much so." Emily said. 

"Damn. Why are you here?" he asked. 

"We're having some troubles." Emily said. She thought about the conversation she had with JJ and Declan, and it made her start to cry again. 

"Hey, hey, don't cry." he said. He hugged her, and Emily was a little weirded out by that. He tilted her head up and kissed her. Emily really wanted to pull away and smack him, but at this point she thought in her head 'fuck it'. He led Emily to a room, and he didn't even last five minutes. It wasn't pleasurable to Emily. She didn't even feel anything at all. She just faked it. "Sounds like you enjoyed it," he said with a smirk. "Maybe you aren't so much of a lesbian." he said. 

"Actually it's called fake moaning and faking an orgasm. My wife knows how to work a dick better than you, and you've been practicing your whole life. She just started practicing a few months ago." Emily said. 

"Not possible. You liked it and you know it." he said. 

"Again, it's called faking. Every girl you've had sex with probably faked it. You would have to be at the bottom of my list. My wife is definitely at the top of it." Emily said. She got up and was thankful that he used a condom. She ate more of her ice cream before taking a nap. When she woke up, she could hear distant chatter. 

"I don't think that now is a good time, Jennifer." Emily heard her mom said. 

"Jennifer's here?" Emily thought. 

"I just need to know she's okay." JJ said. Elizabeth sighed in defeat and allowed JJ to go to where Emily was. JJ opened the door and immediately walked over to Emily. Before Emily could say anything JJ kissed her. 

"JJ, wait-" 

"No. I just need to kiss you right now." JJ said. Emily continued to make out with JJ until they needed to breathe. 

"JJ, you need to know that I slept with the personal chef. And before you say anything, I'm going to explain what happened. I was eating ice cream for breakfast, he came in and asked why I was here. I just told him I was having troubles, and I started crying. Then he kissed me, and he had sex with me for literally five minutes before he finished." Emily explained. Instead of saying something, JJ just walked out. Emily repeated her name, but she was on a mission. When she found the personal chef, she punched him in the nose. 

"Ow! What the fuck was that for?" he asked. 

"The next time you decided to take advantage of my wife, I won't be so nice to you." JJ said, ending that with kicking him hard in the groin. He went down to the ground groaning in pain. JJ was satisfied and went back to Emily with a smile. "Don't worry about him. I took care of him." JJ said. 

"So you aren't mad at me?" Emily asked. 

"Of course not. I'm more mad at him than anything. Plus what I did while I thought you were dead was way worse. And you're okay with me." JJ said. She kissed Emily, and it started to get heated. 

"I'm gonna need you to fuck me properly. He did such a poor job." Emily said. 

"Oh don't worry. I plan on it. But I think you need a little punishment for what you did." JJ said. Emily bit her lip and started getting turned on. 

"When do I get to fuck you with a dick?" Emily asked. 

"Oh you can do that anytime you want. But just know that I thoroughly enjoy fucking you with mine and will never grow tired of it." JJ said. She kissed Emily again before getting up. 

"Why must you always leave me sexually frustrated?" Emily asked with a little anger. 

"Because it's more fun that way." JJ answered her with a smirk. 

"I'm gonna need you to fuck me very, very soon. If you don't, then the vibrator will. And you don't want the vibrator taking your job, now do you?" Emily asked. JJ shook her head 'no'. "That's what I thought." Emily said. They went downstairs and ate the lunch that Elizabeth had ordered since she fired the personal chef after hearing what JJ said to him. 


Hey guys! Boring chapter, I know. Just a filler. I hope you like this chapter!

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