Chapter 10

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Elizabeth and Declan stood there frozen. They didn't know what to say. On the other hand, Daviana pointed towards Emily and said, "Mommy." Since it was the first time Emily heard her actually say 'Mommy' it made her tear up. With Daviana now walking, she was holding Elizabeth's hand. Elizabeth let it go, and Daviana ran over to Emily. "Mommy!" she said excitedly. Emily picked her up and hugged her. 

"Hey baby girl!" Emily said ecstatically. Mainly because she remembered who she was. Emily could see that Daviana looked just like her, but she had Ian's eyes. She was basically a little Emily but with blue eyes. 

"How are you still alive? You died. We buried you!" Declan asked. Emily explained everything to him and her mom. JJ watched Declan and Elizabeth as Emily gave them her explanation as to what had actually happened. Elizabeth looked relieved because her one and only daughter was still alive. Declan looked angry because his mom left him again with no explanation and faked her death. 

"Do you not remember what you promised me? You promised you wouldn't leave me ever again, and look what you just broke! You're the worst mother on this planet, and I hate you!-" 

"Declan." Elizabeth warned. 

"No! She needs to hear this. I wish I never found you and came here to live with you! My father at least cared about me and never broke promises! I wish that I just stayed with him. Hell, JJ is a better mother than you'll ever be! I wish you were just dead!" Declan shouted and went to his room with tears in his eyes. Emily had tears streaming down her eyes knowing that he's right. It hurt her heart to hear his say those things, but Emily knew he was right. Daviana was crying because she could feel the tension in the room and because Emily was crying. 

"Okay." Emily said before handing Daviana over to JJ. 

"Where are you going?" JJ asked, scared that she's going to do something stupid. 

"I'm obviously no longer welcome here, so it's best if I just leave. For good." Emily said. She started opening the door, but her mother stopped her. 

"Emily." Elizabeth said. Emily didn't want to listen to what she had to say, so she continued walking out. Since it was getting dark out, Emily decided to go to the park. Part of her hoped that a serial killer was there and just ended her life. The other part just wanted to get some fresh air. Emily decided to sit on one of the benches and just think. After about 15 minutes, Emily's senses went crazy as it felt as if someone was watching her from behind. 

"If you're watching me, now's a good time to kill me. I won't even care." Emily said. 

"Are you asking me to kill you?" she heard. 

"If you want to, I'm giving you permission to do so." Emily said. 

"How are are you not outraged by Emily faking her death?" JJ asked Elizabeth who was now holding Daviana. 

"I was more saddened that she did than anything. But as her mother, I was just glad that she wasn't dead. I did have the feeling that she wasn't dead, and I guess that it was right. Imagine if it were Declan or Daviana. How would you feel if they weren't actually dead and came back?' Elizabeth asked. JJ thought about it and realized she was right. 

"You're right. I guess I just never put myself in your shoes." JJ said. 

"Being Emily's mother wasn't easy. I said a lot of things that I really regret. What Declan told her tonight is something I would've said to her back then. But now that we've made amends with each other, it was hard without her here. My heart was broken, and I just felt empty inside because my only child was gone. I absolutely love her to the moon and back, and when she was "dead" I would've gave anything to bring her back. Now that she is, it's like I'm complete again." Elizabeth said to JJ. 

"What do we do with Declan? I mean, he's so angry with Emily." JJ said. 

"Give him some time. It's a lot to process for someone his age. When he's ready to talk, then he will talk. But for right now he just needs his space to think about everything." Elizabeth said. 

"Okay. I took a half day today, so I still have a couple hours before I need to get ready." JJ said. 

"Okay. I'm going to look for Emily." Elizabeth said. She already knew where Emily would be since she knew that parks were where she cleared her head. 

"-and now my son hates me, and I'm pretty sure my wife and mother do too." Emily explained to the stranger. 

"Damn. Well I'm glad that guy was caught. I know I murder people, but raping people is just wrong especially when they are a teenager. Those kinds of people are the lowest of the low. Tell you what. I won't kill you if you go back home and try to talk to your family. Don't kill yourself, and especially don't tell people they have permission to kill you. This is your second chance at life, so please make the best of it. I wish you the best of luck." he said and walked away. Emily sat there for another 10 minutes before she heard someone approach her. She already knew who it was because she could smell her perfume. 

"If you're here to lecture me, go right ahead." Emily said without turning to look at her. 

"I'm not going to lecture you. I just want to sit here and talk to my daughter." Elizabeth said. She sat down next to Emily and could see she was about to cry. "I know you did what you did to protect everyone. It wasn't selfish of you. At first when I saw you I was confused and thought I was seeing things. When you explained what you did and why, yes I was angry. But I was more saddened because you had to go through that. These past five months have been Hell for all of us. I felt so empty without you here. But there was a little part of me that just knew you were still alive. I'm so happy that you're still here with us. I really don't know what I would do if you were actually dead." Elizabeth said. Elizabeth hugged Emily and held her as she sobbed. Emily felt that it was childish to need her mom and her comfort. But this was one of those times where she just needed her to hug her and tell her that everything would be okay. That's what mothers are supposed to do when their child is in distress no matter what age they are. Emily was grateful for her mother because this was a time she needed her the most, and she was there for her. 

"I can't go back there. They all hate me." Emily said after crying for five minutes. 

"Okay. I have to babysit the kids tonight, but you are more than welcome to stay at my house for as long as you need." Elizabeth said. Emily nodded and agreed to stay there. Elizabeth lead Emily to her car and drove her to her house. She dropped her off before going to back to Emily and JJ's house to babysit the kids. 

"Did you find her?" JJ asked with a worried tone. 

"Yes, but I don't think she will be coming back anytime soon. She thinks that all of you hate her, so she's going to give you guys some space." Elizabeth explained. 

"Why would she think that? Yes I'm a little mad at her, but that doesn't mean I don't want her here." JJ said. 

"My guess is because of what Declan told her. That was basically a stab in the heart to her." Elizabeth said. 

"Oh. Well where is she? Is she okay? She didn't do anything stupid did she?" JJ questioned. 

"She's hanging in there. I can't say where she is. And as far as I know she hasn't done anything stupid." Elizabeth said. But boy was she wrong.


Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter!

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