Chapter 26

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"Emily, please pick up. This is the 11th voicemail I have left you. I just need to talk to you about us, about everything. I miss you. Please call me back." JJ said, hanging up the phone. She put her phone in her bag and closed her locker door. She walked out and went to where the others were so they could be debriefed about what happened on A shift. After what happened between her and Brandy the previous night, JJ couldn't keep her eyes off of her. Same with Brandy. They stole glances at each other; JJ catching Brandy causing them both to look away and blush. 

"Oh my God, you did actually sleep with her. What a whore and a liar." Brooklyn said. 

"I never lied." JJ said. 

"For being a profiler, you sure don't know how to lie." Brooklyn said. 

"You think you know everything just because you dated Derek. Let me fill you in, Miss Know-it-all. I did not sleep with her when you asked. But I'm not denying that I didn't sleep with her last night." JJ said. 

"You're such a whore. Might as well call yourself a prostitute and a stripper." Brooklyn said. 

"I'm sorry, who-" 

"Officer Baker, my office now." Brandy said sternly. Brooklyn rolled her eyes and walked to Brandy's office. "That kind of talk is not allowed in this precinct, and you know better than that. Either go apologize to her right now, or I write you up. Your choice." Brandy said. 

"Well of course you defend your new girlfriend. Just so you know, she's a slut, so don't be surprised if you catch something from her." Brooklyn said. 

"Actually, if I remember correctly, you've had six boyfriends since Derek and cheated on them with multiple guys. So in this case, you're the whore. JJ was married, and is now separated. I was the first person she's slept with since Emily. So nice try. You're on strictly desk duty until further notice, I'm writing you up and reporting it to the chief, and if you have any problems with this, me, or JJ, then I will personally have you terminated for being insubordinate and not tolerating your coworkers even though we haven't done anything to you. Am I clear?" Brandy asked. 

"Crystal." Brooklyn said. 

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Brandy asked. 

"Yes ma'am." Brooklyn said, annoyed. Brandy let her go, and on her way back to her desk, she kept giving JJ the death glare. Nala caught on to this and started growling at Brooklyn. JJ had to use the bathroom really badly, so she told Nala to stay and went to the bathroom. She felt relieved when she emptied her bladder. After she was done she washed her hands and was on her way back to her desk when suddenly she was pulled into an empty room. 

"Brandy! What the-" JJ whispered loudly before Brandy cut her off by kissing her. JJ moaned softly and started kissing back. JJ had to admit, the adrenaline of possibly getting caught kind of turned her on. A lot. 

"We can't be long." Brandy said. Because duty belts can sometimes be tricky to get off, all they did was make out. But both JJ and Brandy were both sexually frustrated. "You leave first. I'll leave a couple minutes after you." Brandy said. JJ nodded her head and left. She knew she was going to have a hard time thinking about things that aren't related to sex. 

~Later that night~

"Fuck where did you learn to do whatever it is you just did?" JJ asked Brandy in pure bliss. 

"I will never reveal my secret. But don't act like you aren't great with your mouth because fuck, you're amazing with it." Brandy said. 

"I have my ways." JJ said with a smirk. 

"Can I ask you a question?" Brandy asked. JJ nodded her head. "Where do you see whatever we have going?" 

"It's too early to tell. I mean, I still don't even know if Emily wants a divorce or to stay with me since she won't answer my many calls or bother to call back. But, I'm definitely not minding the spontaneous make out sessions and amazing sex." JJ answered. 

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