Chapter 5

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"Hey momma? I noticed a little bag of pills in your purse when I went to grab your wallet. Is everything okay?" Declan asked, handing JJ her wallet. JJ was so tired and exhausted that she didn't even think about the bag in her purse. 

"I'm fine. I had to go to the doctor the other day during work because I had been injured. So they prescribed me with some pain meds. Instead of taking the whole bottle with me I just put a few in a baggie in case I needed any." JJ answered. 

"Are you sure? Because I've heard that drug-"

"I'm sure. It isn't drugs." JJ said sternly. 


"Declan, I'm not going to say this again. It's just pain medication. That's it!" JJ said angrily. Declan was shocked at JJ's outburst and looked as if he was about to cry. He walked away, and JJ immediately felt guilty for speaking to him like that. 

"Momma." JJ heard Daviana say. She looked to her right and saw Daviana walking to her. 

"Hey baby girl!" JJ said, wiping away her tears. She picked up Daviana and sat her on her lap. Daviana kept saying 'momma' over and over again. She somewhat pointed to a picture of Emily on the wall, and JJ started crying again. "Yeah. Do you see mommy?" JJ asked Daviana. Daviana repeated 'momma', and JJ's heart didn't know how to feel. She mostly felt sad and broken but shocked that Daviana remembered who Emily was. It's been almost two months since Emily had died. Although she figured that Daviana just had the memory of Emily and was remembering who she was. She was almost a year old. 

"I am so sorry that I'm late. The traffic is so much worse than back in Seattle, which is weird. But anyway, let me see my precious goddaughter!" Maya said, walking through the door with Carina. Maya walked over to where Daviana and JJ were sitting. Daviana noticed who it was and began smiling and laughing a little bit. Carina was the first to notice something was off with JJ. 

"Are you okay?" Carina asked. That caused Maya to actually look at JJ. 

"What's wrong my Cheeto?" Maya asked. 

"Oh. Nothing. I'm good." JJ said. 

"Hun, we aren't stupid. Now you have a few minutes before you actually have to leave. Now spill." Carina said. JJ just chuckled. She paced in a small circle before looking at them. 

"Daviana that picture of Emily and pointed to it and started saying 'momma'. What am I supposed to tell her when she gets older who she is and what happened? I can't just tell her that her dead sister's father shot and killed her." JJ said. She noticed herself starting to panic but began settling down. 

"When she's a little bit older, tell her some heroic story kind of like a fairy tale storybook. But when she's in her teens and actually is able to understand death more, tell her exactly what happened." Carina said. 

"But won't she be mad at me if I do that?" JJ asked. 

"Probably, but you have to make her understand your side." Maya said, chiming in. JJ looked at her watch and realized her and Nala needed to go. JJ called Nala and put her leash on. 

"Thank you, by the way, for watching the kids while I work this week. You didn't have to spend your vacation time with us." JJ said. 

"Oh please. We love them like our own, and we wouldn't wanna be at any other place." Carina said. 

"I mean Cancun would be nice, but like she said, we wouldn't wanna be at any other place." Maya said. JJ chuckled. 

"Well I really appreciate it. Today is one of my 12 hour days, so I should be home around three in the morning." JJ said. Nala kept sniffing JJ's purse as they were talking, and she tried to shoo her away, but it didn't work. Both Maya and Carina were suspicious but were going to say something when JJ got home from work. When JJ got in her car after letting Nala in, she hid the bag of pills in the glove box so that way no other dog would sniff them out. She drove to the station and began her day. Throughout the work day, JJ felt very jittery and anxious. There were a lot of emotions that went through her throughout the day, and she couldn't control them. Her focus wasn't like it was, and she just felt like she needed a pill to get her through the day. She knew she couldn't, so she just waited until after her shift. People she was close to, especially Brooklyn and Matthew, noticed her behavior change, and they thought they knew why. They didn't want to believe it, but the signs were there. 

When JJ was done with her shift, she changed out of her uniform and into her normal clothes. Her and Nala left the station and to a town that was an hour away. Rafael always chose the towns that were about an hour or hour and a half away so that way the people didn't know JJ. Nala had gotten pretty close with Rafael since doing this. She knew bad people when she saw or smelled one, but she knew Rafael wasn't a bad person. She didn't like him doing drugs, so she would always growl whenever he would pull out weed or a pill. So he's learned that when he's around her he isn't allowed to do drugs. But he thought that maybe with being around Nala more would help him with recovery. He's tried recovery many times but has failed every time. He's hoping that one day he would get a dog just like Nala, and they will help him recover and stay clean. 

When JJ got into the town, she parked her car in a parking garage and walked to the house Rafael told her to meet him at. She saw his car and got in along with Nala. "You doing okay?" he asked as he saw her take two pills without Nala noticing. 

"Yep, never better." she answered. She had tears coming out of her eyes that she didn't even notice. 

"Alright. What's going on love?" he asked. 

"I snapped at Declan earlier today, and I've never done that. And Daviana pointed to a picture of Emily and repeated 'momma' over and over again. It's made me question why I'm doing this." JJ said. Nala licked the tears from her face. 

"Why are you doing this?" Rafael asked, wanting JJ to remember why she was doing it. 

"Because Emily needs justice. I need to fight for her and get her the justice she needs." JJ answered. 

"Okay. Now, let's go Kimberly." he said, calling her by her alias they stuck with. JJ remembered who Kimberly was as a person and switched her mindset to her. They get to the intended house and get out. All Rafael does is stay by the car with Nala while JJ goes up to the door. She knocked, and someone opened the door. When JJ saw who was on the other side, her anger started bubbling. She put her hand behind her back and signaled to Rafael. It was him. It was the guy who sot and killed Emily.


Hey guys! What do you think JJ will do as Kimberly? I hope you like this chapter!

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