Chapter 7

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"Emily?" JJ asked. 

"Um, yeah." Emily said. 

"What are we doing here? Wait, I thought you died?" JJ asked, looking at her surroundings. She realized that they were in the bullpen of the FBI. More specifically the BAU. 

"I did. I'm just showing you around. Showing you who you were. Who you are." Emily said. 

"What? I'm confused." JJ said. 

"Do you remember these guys?" Emily asked. JJ looked at her like she was crazy. 

"Of course I remember them. They're my team." JJ answered. 

"Well, your old team. What lessons did you learn from them?" Emily asked. 

"Well there's a lot. They taught me that family always comes first before the job no matter how bad the case is. They taught me to always defend myself. They taught me things about myself that I didn't even know. They've taught me great values to life." JJ said. 

"Okay. I can tell that you clearly haven't opened up. But we don't have much time. Do you remember this guy?" Emily asked. She pointed to the board that had The Prince of Darkness' face on it. 

"Of course I remember him." JJ said. 

"And what important lesson did you, yourself, teach him?" Emily asked. 

"That yes, there are monsters out there, and it's okay to be afraid. But it's... it's not okay to be one." JJ answered. 

"Exactly. It isn't the same thing for your case. However, doing drugs and sleeping with random men just to get free drugs for Rafael to distribute and also shooting four guys who haven't paid Rafael is still being a monster or at least developing into one. All because you wanted to catch Keegan. I'm so disappointed in you, JJ." Emily said. Emily started to fade away, and JJ tried to get her to come back. But, she didn't. Instead JJ woke up coughing and weakly opening her eyes to see paramedics. 

"There you are. Let's get you to the hospital." the paramedic said. They put JJ onto the stretcher and wheeled her out to the ambulance. JJ had no memory of what happened at all. All she remembers is meeting up with Rafael for their weekly check in. It's been a month since their pact, and they were both doing well. Before they rolled her inside of the ambulance, JJ swore she saw Emily standing there watching what was happening. 

"Emily?" JJ whispered. 

"Sorry, hun. I'm Javier with the Dallas Fire Department. Can you tell me your name?" he asked. 

"Jennifer Prentiss-Jareau." JJ said. 

"I remember your name. You're a police officer, right?" he asked. JJ nodded her head. "I will have to contact your sergeant about this incident. We will run a toxicology screen to figure out what exactly you've taken and how much of it. I'm going to assume you will be suspended until an investigation is done." he said. 

"I never took drugs. I was in recovery. I was meeting with my friend because we're in recovery together. Neither of us took any drugs." JJ said. 

"The guy that was laying beside you?" he asked. JJ nodded her head. "He overdosed too. So if you are telling the truth, then he or someone else laced something with a drug." he said. "May I ask what you're recovering from?" he asked. 

"Oxy. It was oxy and marijuana the first time around, but this time it's only oxy." JJ answered. 

"Okay. So you wouldn't have taken any other drug?" he asked. JJ shook her head. He nodded his head and wrote it down. They were at the hospital within a couple of minutes, and they immediately took JJ to take a toxicology screening. After completing it, they told her that she should get the results back within a week. She nodded her head and fell asleep. Her dream didn't consist of much. Just previous cases she had been on with the BAU. Except this time each of the victims they found dead was Spencer. JJ woke up from her dreams and wondered why she had dreamed of Spencer. She couldn't figure it out. It couldn't have been because since Emily was dead her mind went back to Spencer being her first love. 

"You have a lot of explaining to do." JJ heard, bringing her out of her mind. She looked up and saw her sergeant. "Care to explain why I'm getting a call at one in the morning saying that you overdosed?" she asked. 

"I swear, I didn't take any drugs." JJ said. 

"You have to give me a better explanation than that." she said. 

"I will admit that after Emily died I did start to take oxy again. I will also admit that every other day after work I teamed up with my drug dealer and slept with the guys that supplied him with drugs to distribute to get them for free. I've shot five guys that owed him a lot of money. I got into doing this for the wrong reason. It was to catch the guy who killed Emily because I knew he smoked marijuana a lot. And finally I got to him. You know that story. But I swear, that night we caught him and Will, Rafael and I made a pact to stop using and getting clean for real this time. We had weekly meetups since that night, and both of us have been clean. I swear." JJ answered. 

"Do you realize how much you just incriminated yourself?" sergeant Galloway asked. 

"I know, and I will pay the consequences of it now that I have caught Keegan." JJ said. 

"No. You're my best officer. So as far as I'm concerned, you were undercover to catch a rapist and murderer and did what you had to do. You shot those five guys out of self defense. And you and your partner were drugged tonight." sergeant Galloway said. 

"Ma'am, I can't-" 

"I hope you feel better, JJ." she said. She walked out, and JJ was left in her thoughts. She was deep in her thoughts until she saw a reflection of what looked like to be Emily in the window looking into her room from the hallway. "Emily?!" JJ said, looking towards the door. But, once again, no one was there. JJ began to get sad again because she was start to hallucinate Emily. She knew she was dead. However, her mind was playing tricks on her. It was as if her mind wanted Emily to be back since Keegan was gone. 


Hey guys! Kind of a short chapter, but I hope you like this chapter!

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