Chapter 22

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"JJ, wait!" Emily said, but JJ just kept walking out of the room. When she was in the hallway, she saw Elizabeth, Declan, and Daviana walking towards Emily's room. She wiped away her tears as she neared them. 

"JJ? What's wrong?" Elizabeth asked, but JJ didn't stop. She kept walking mainly because she just needed out of the building. But she also didn't want to talk to anyone. No one except her best friend in the whole wide world. She went to the police station to ask for a week off. 

"JJ?" her sergeant asked, confused. 

"Do you mind if I take a week off? I just need to get out of town right now." JJ said. 

"Of course. Are you okay?" she asked, noticing that JJ's eyes were bloodshot from crying. JJ was going to respond, but she just couldn't get any words out. Only tears. "Okay. Okay. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I just hope you are using this time to talk to someone." she said. 

"I am." JJ said. Her sergeant nodded her head. JJ went home and pack up some of her things before loading it into her car. She was on her way to Washington D.C., but she decided to take a little detour along the way and just see some of the scenery before getting there. She was able to get there within a couple of days, and so she went to Garcia's apartment. She knew she was home because her car was there. She rang the doorbell and waited for her to answer it. 

"JJ!" Garcia shouted and gave her a big hug. 

"Nice to see you too." JJ said with a chuckle. Garcia let go of JJ and pet Nala. The excitement had Nala excited. 

"Come in!" Garcia said. She stepped aside and let JJ  and Nala in. "So where's Emily?" Garcia asked. She was hoping that she wouldn't ask that question. 

"Uh, she's just not up for traveling right now with me." JJ said. 

"Why's that?" Garcia questioned further. 

"She was shot by one of the unsub's I was tracking down. Izzy Rogers. But it's fine. We caught her, and Emily is in the hospital recovering." JJ said. 

"This doesn't make any sense though. If she's in the hospital, then what are you doing here? I know you well enough to know you wouldn't just leave her behind like this especially if she's hurt. JJ, what's going on?" Garcia asked. JJ's eyes started to tear up, and once again she couldn't form any words with her mouth. Garcia hugged her, and that's when the water works started. JJ couldn't stop crying for about five minutes. After she was able to slow down the tears, she began to explain. 

"Long story short, after she woke up and saw me, she acted like she didn't want me there and kept pushing me away. Then explained that Izzy told her a bunch of things that she believes is the truth and said that she wants a divorce." JJ said. She twisted her wedding around as a habit. 

"Oh, JJ. I'm so sorry you're going through this." Garcia said. She gave her another hug and asked what Izzy said to Emily. 

"She said a lot of things apparently. A couple being that she ruined my life as after I moved to Dallas with her my life just went downhill and that I think she's getting fat especially after having Daviana, which is crazy because she definitely is not. Another thing being that I'm still in love with Spence. What hurts the most is that she actually believes it." JJ said, another tear rolling down her face. 

"Well are you?" Garcia asked. 

"A part of me will always love him because he was my first love. But he doesn't even compare to Emily. I'm so deeply in love with Emily. She's the one for me." JJ said. 

"Tell you what. Let's go to the BAU and visit. I'm supposed to be off today, but I will make an exception for you. You'll get to see the team." Garcia said. JJ nodded and led Nala to the car. Since she did have Nala, JJ decided to use her own car so dog fur didn't get all over the place in Garcia's car. 

They walked in and got JJ and Nala a visitor's pass. When they walked into the BAU, Elle was the first to see them. "JJ!" she shouted and ran over to her. She gave her a huge hug and even gave Nala a hug. JJ gave everyone a hug before sitting down at her old desk that is now Luke's desk. 

"How's life, kid?" Rossi asked. 

"It's been stressful. I caught an unsub in Dallas that I was investigating here. Turns out she knew I was investigating her somehow and had a vendetta against me. She went as far as a school shooting and attaching a bomb to Emily and Declan. Luckily we caught her, but Emily did end up getting shot in the shoulder, and now she's in the hospital and wants a divorce for many reasons that Izzy told her about." JJ said. The team was shocked to hear the news. 

"JJ, I'm so sorry." Reid said. 

"It's actually why I'm here. I asked for a week off, and naturally the first place I want to be back is here. Mainly for Garcia, no offense, but this just feels like home." JJ said. 

"You can always come back." Hotch said. 

"I know. I just don't want to leave just yet, and I can't leave Nala. We've been together since day one, and I can't just abandon her." JJ said. 

"We have K9's here. You could put in a transfer." Derek pointed out. 

"Yeah, but the department is already short staffed. I don't want to leave them just like that. Plus I still am a parent of Declan and Daviana since I adopted them. And with the twins on the way, I want to be close to them so I could still see them." JJ said. 

"True." Derek said. 

"I'm actually pretty tired from the drive here. So I think that I am just going to get a hotel and get some sleep." JJ said. 

"I don't think so. You are staying at my apartment, and that is final." Garcia said. Everyone chuckled, and JJ, Nala, and Garcia went out to JJ's car and went back to her apartment. A week's worth of vacation went by very quickly for JJ. Before she knew it, she was back on the road heading home. When she got home, she noticed that Emily was home along with Elizabeth. She didn't want to do what she was about to do, but it needed to be done. JJ and Nala walked up to the front door, but instead of walking inside, JJ just knocked on the door. 

"JJ? You know this is literally your house too." Emily said. 

"Look, I'm not going to be here long. I just wanted to tell you that I know you want a divorce, but don't think that everyday I won't be fighting for you because I will. I don't know exactly what Izzy said to you, but I can tell you that I most likely is not true. What hurts me the most is that you actually believe what she said. But like I said, I will fight for you every single day because I love you so God damn much, Emily Monroe. But until you decide if you want me or not, I'm going to give this back to you. If you still want me, you can give it back. But if not, I will be expecting divorce papers. I will stop by later tomorrow to pick up my things." JJ said and walked away. Emily stood at the door with JJ's wedding ring in her hand. She had tears in her eyes as it broke her for JJ to give it back so soon and just walk away. JJ had tears running down her face because that was the hardest thing she had to do. 


Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter!

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