Chapter 14

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"I don't know what they're going to do about it. It seems like the water is always different each day. Most days it tastes like chlorine, but there some good days where it tastes pretty great." Declan said as he, Daviana, Elizabeth, Sergio, and Nala walked through the front door. 

"JJ and Emily they're back!" Elizabeth shouted for them to hear. She was ready to hand them back, not because she didn't love them because she did, but because Declan was a chatterbox and talked about everything. She loved to talk to him, but there are some days where she could only handle so much. When JJ and Emily didn't come down or appear downstairs, Elizabeth had the feeling they were still asleep. "I'll be right back. Keep an eye on your sister." Elizabeth said. Declan nodded, and Elizabeth went upstairs. She went to JJ and Emily's room and saw them sound asleep. She didn't want to bother them because she knew they had a long night, so she decided to keep the kids until they woke up. 

"Are they okay?" Declan asked. 

"Yeah. They're just sleeping still." Elizabeth said. 

"Still? I hope they aren't getting sick or anything. They're always up at this time." Declan pointed out. 

"I think they're just exhausted." Elizabeth said. She rallied up the kids and pets and put them back in the car. She decided to get them ice cream and then go to the park. That always seemed to be the activities they liked to do. 

Four hours later, JJ was the first to wake up. She realized that it was three in the afternoon and decided to wake up Emily. "Babes, it's time to get up." she said, shaking Emily a little bit. 

"I don't wanna get up." Emily groaned. It came out hoarsely, so she figured she was probably going to lose her voice later on. 

"I don't wanna either, but we have to. We have to kids and two pets we have to take care of." JJ said. Emily groaned and sat up. She could feel that her throat was dry, and when she took a deep breath she ended up coughing. 

"Can we eat something?" Emily asked. Her voice was breaking up, so only partials of words came out. 

"Aw baby. Did I make you scream so much that you're losing your voice again?" JJ asked with a smirk. Emily nodded her head. JJ kissed her and got up. Both of them were nude and needed showers before the children and pets got home. When Emily got up she hurt. Like really hurt. But Emily didn't even care because it was worth it. "Does it hurt to walk?" JJ asked Emily as she noticed her having a little hard time walking. Emily nodded her head, and JJ instantly felt bad. She apologized, but Emily shook her head. 

"Don't apologize. It was well worth it." Emily croaked. JJ smiled at her with a sympathetic smile and kissed her gently. 

"I love you." JJ said. 

"I love you too." Emily said. They got in the shower and did their routine. They dried off once they were done and decided to just let their hair air dry. They put on some clothes and went downstairs. JJ made coffee and some tea with honey and lemon for Emily since she knew that her throat was probably a little sore too. When she handed her the mug of tea instead of coffee, Emily gave her a dirty look. JJ just smiled and sat across from her with her cup of coffee. "You're mean." Emily said. 

"And you need to save your voice and soothe your throat." JJ said. She chuckled before messaging Elizabeth that they were up. Emily sent JJ a message asking why she couldn't get pregnant. "I don't know. My gynecologist told me that I'm infertile, but they don't know what's causing me to be." JJ answered. 

'That's so sad though:( You would make the most beautiful babies'

"I guess I'm just supposed to make babies with you through this experimental thing that I still don't understand how it works." JJ said. Emily looked down blushing. "And besides. I think you win for making the most beautiful babies." JJ said, grabbing hold of Emily's hand. Emily looked up with a big smile on her face. They talked for another 20 minutes before they hear the front door open. 

"-and at the end the person you thought wouldn't do anything bad actually steals the baby and murders the mother. Talk about plot twist!" Declan said. 

"Just letting you guys know that this one has been a chatter box, and so has this one." Elizabeth said. 

"Hey!" Declan said. JJ, Emily, and Elizabeth started chuckling which caused Daviana to giggle. 

"Decan also wants to know if it would be okay if we make this an every weekend thing because apparently he actually likes hanging out with me." Elizabeth said. 

"I don't see why not. I mean obviously they all love you. Sometimes I think more than us." JJ said. 

"That's because I'm the grandma." Elizabeth said. 

"Are you okay with that?" JJ asked. 

"Oh of course! I love spending time with my grandchildren." Elizabeth said. 

"Then I guess it's settled." JJ said. Declan was excited and hugged JJ and Emily both. 

"Okay, well I have to get going. Bye I love you guys!" Elizabeth said. She hugged everyone including Nala and Sergio. After she left Declan went up to his room and put his stuff away. 

"Okay what do we want for dinner?" JJ asked. 

"Chinese!" Declan shouted. 

"Sounds good to me." JJ said. She looked at Emily, and she nodded her head. "Alright. Orange chicken it is." JJ said. She left to get the groceries necessary for it and returned an hour later. "I picked up some squash, apples and bananas, and chicken noodle soup baby food for Daviana because I know she's running low on them. I picked you up some chocolate because I know it's getting close to your shark week, and I'm going to be left sexually frustrated. I picked up some Cheetos for me because I'm running low. And I picked up some Takis for Declan because he asked for them. I also got the ingredients for dinner." JJ said. Emily got up and gave her a big kiss. 

"Ew!" they heard Daviana say and giggle. That made JJ and Emily giggle too. 

"I love you too, babe." JJ said. 

"Hey moms? Is it cool if my friend Seth comes over for a little bit? We have work to do for a project." Declan asked. 

"Sure!" JJ said. Declan nodded and immediately went on his phone and texted Seth that it was okay. 20 minutes later there was a knock on the door. Declan shouted that he's got it and opened it. In walked Seth, and he's greeted by Nala sitting in the pathway he was walking.

"That's Nala. That's my momma's K9. She's very protective of us." he said. Then up walks Sergio and sits down right beside Nala, looking up at Seth. "That's Sergio. He's my mom's cat." he said. He walked him to the kitchen, Nala and Sergio right behind them. "This is my momma JJ, and this is my mom Emily." 

"It's nice to meet you." JJ said. "Emily's losing her voice right now, so she won't be able to talk very much." JJ said. Emily stuck her hand out and shook Seth's hand. 

"Alright, so you're momma JJ, and you're momily." he said. 

"This is how he remembers names. By giving people nicknames that has their name in it." Declan explained. 

"It's a pleasure meeting you guys." he said. 

"Are you staying for dinner? We're having orange chicken with rice and some dumplings." JJ said. 

"That would be great. Thank you." he said. 

"No problem." JJ said. They went to Declan's room, Nala following them again. As JJ was cooking was cooking dinner, she looked at Emily almost as an instinct to make sure she was okay and felt her heart flutter. It was as if she was falling in love with her all over again. She was feeding Daviana some of her apples and bananas and started laughing. JJ thought her smile was the most beautiful smile she's ever seen. Everything about Emily was absolutely perfect. JJ was subconsciously smiling. Emily looked over at JJ with the smile still on her face. She looked at JJ with slight confusion as to why she was staring at her. So JJ decided to walk over to her and give her a hug as best as she could since she was feeding Daviana. "I love you so much." JJ said, almost crying. 

"I love you the most." Emily whispered.


Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter!

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