Chapter 21

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"Looks like I win." JJ said. She cuffed Izzy and had Charles take her out. JJ hugged Emily and Declan tightly and started crying. That is, until she felt a warm liquid seeping through her uniform. She pulled away and realized that Emily had been shot in the shoulder. "We need to get you to an ambulance." JJ said. Emily nodded her head, still in shock at everything that had happened. JJ called for a medic, and so they sat there until one arrived. "There's a GSW to the right shoulder." JJ said. The medic nodded and attended to Emily. After evaluating, he puts her on the stretcher and takes her to the ambulance.

"Nice work, Jareau." the sergeant said.

"Thank you. You know, if it weren't for my wife and I getting into an argument, I wouldn't have been here to help you guys catch Izzy. I guess everything does happen for a reason. It's weird how things work out." JJ said.

"Yeah. There probably would have been many fatalities if we didn't have you right here to figure out how to deactivate the bombs. We would have had to wait on bomb squad. You saved many lives today." he said.

"We all did, sir. I just helped. But we worked together." JJ said. He nodded his head and said that her and Nala were free to go back to the station. However, JJ made a detour to the hospital. "500 signal 75." JJ said.

"Clear, 500." the dispatcher said. JJ and Nala walked in and asked about Emily, but she was in surgery to remove the bullet.

"The babies are okay. It's actually a miracle considering the amount of stress Emily was in. Plus to go through the surgery and be okay. It really was a miracle. Emily is doing great. She should be waking up here soon." the doctor said. JJ nodded her head and wiped away a tear. JJ had to go back to work when she knew how long the surgery was going to be, but the doctor called her when Emily was out of surgery. The doctor escorted JJ to Emily's room. On their way there, a patient saw JJ and gave her the death glare. JJ was used to it, so it didn't get to her. 

JJ thanked the doctor and sat in the chair next to her bed. She took Emily's hand in her and listened to their babies heartbeats. As JJ was daydreaming about their life when the twins arrived, Emily woke up. As soon as she woke up she groaned. "What are you doing here?" Emily asked. 

"I'm your wife, and I was worried about you and the twins." JJ answered. 

"You should be at work." Emily said. 

"I should be, but my sergeant let me come here to check on you. I'm on my lunch right now, but-"

"You should go eat something and get back to work." Emily said, interrupting JJ. 

"I've already ate, actually. I-" 

"You should get back then." Emily said, again interrupting JJ. 

"Emily, why are you-"

"Just go!" Emily shouted. JJ was taken back by Emily's outburst, but she decided not to put her under anymore stress and left. She wiped away some tears before getting back to the station. She left Nala in her sergeants care as she visited Emily because the hospital didn't really like when she was there. 

"You're back early." sergeant Galloway said to her as she picked up Nala. 

"Mhm." JJ said. JJ kept her head down and didn't make any sort of eye contact with her. 

"Hold up. What's wrong?" she asked. 

"It's nothing." JJ said softly, still not making eye contact. She was about to walk out again, but sergeant Galloway stopped her again. 

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