Chapter 27

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"Clear!" the doctor shouted. The nurses that were present stepped away so the doctor could try and resuscitate Emily with a defibrillator once again. This is his fourth attempt, but if it didn't work, then he would have to call her time of death. Luckily, though, Emily's heartbeat came back. Everyone was relieved, but now they had to figure out what the cause of her coding was. The doctor had a hunch when he saw how much blood she had lost, so he had a nurse check her blood pressure. It was low, so he had the nurse push fluids. He also decided to check to see if there were any remaining pieces of the placenta, which there were. He removed them and massaged the uterus a little bit to help it contract and lessen bleeding. When he felt Emily was good, he stitched where there were tears from giving birth, which wasn't too many, and sent her into a room on the maternity floor. He went into the waiting room to inform JJ of what had happened. He could see that she was crying a lot, which he understood. 

"Emily was successfully resuscitated after four attempts. She had postpartum hemorrhaging, which caused her blood pressure to drop significantly. There were pieces of the placenta still in the uterus, so I removed them as well as massaged the uterus to help it contract and lessen bleeding. She only needed a few stitches, but she should make a full recovery. I am going to prescribe her a low dose of iron pills to help get her iron levels up as well as keep her on prenatal vitamins. You can go see her. She's in room 3184 B." he told her. JJ thanked him and ran to the elevator.  She pressed '3' and impatiently waited for the doors to open. While she waited, she messaged Elizabeth and told her what had happened. Finally, the doors opened, and she sped walked all the way to Emily's room. She saw her laying there asleep with the heart monitor and IV fluids attached to her. Even though she almost died after giving birth, JJ thought she was beautiful. JJ walked to the side of her bed and grabbed her hand gently. 

"I'm so glad you made it. I don't know what I would've done if you died. Hell, I don't even know what I'm doing now since we're technically separated. I'm literally so lost without you, Emily. I just, I don't know what to do with myself. I feel so empty without you and the kids at home. Don't get me wrong, I love Nala. But I love you guys too. I miss you so much that I can feel my heart breaking. I don't know why I even slept with Brandy. I think it's because I just felt so empty inside that I needed something, someone to fill the emptiness. I don't know how much longer I can survive without you, Emily. I need you in my life. I don't really know how I function without you. You're my lifeline." JJ said. She shed so many tears while saying it that she didn't realize Elizabeth standing there with the kids. 

"Momma!" she heard Daviana say. She turned around and saw her running up to her. 

"Hey baby girl!" JJ said, wiping tears away. She hugged Daviana and refrained from picking her up even though she wanted to. 

"Is she going to be okay?" Declan asked, looking at Emily. 

"Yeah, bud. She's going to be okay." JJ said. 

"JJ and I are going to step out for a few, can you watch your sister?" Elizabeth asked. Declan nodded his head, and so JJ followed Elizabeth outside the door. JJ filled her in on what had happened. JJ wanted to know where the twins were, but she knew she shouldn't ask until Emily is awake and able to process everything. Luckily Emily woke up a few minutes later. 

"Where's the twins?" Emily asked. Those were the first words out of her mouth. 

"I will get the nurse." Elizabeth said and walked out. 

"I'm so glad you're okay, mom. I love you so much" Declan said and gave her a hug. They hadn't been close because of Emily just leaving JJ, but after what Chloe had did and now this, he knew that anything could happen to her. 

"I love you too, peanut." Emily said. She teared up and shed a couple tears. 

"It's good to see you awake, Emily. I'm Jackie, your nurse for the night. I just need to ask a couple questions for their birth certificates. First, I need to know their full names." Jackie said. 

"The boy is named Dolan James Prentiss-Jareau," Emily said and spelled out his name. "The girl is named Dasha Grace Prentiss-Jareau." Emily said and spelled out her name. 

"Okay. And who is the father?" 

"Jennifer Jareau." Emily said. Jackie gave her a puzzled look. "She is also their biological mother through an experimentation for lesbian couples." Emily explained. Then the nurse realized what she meant. 

"Oh you guys got a- okay, I got you now." she said. She stopped mid-sentence realizing that Declan and Daviana were in the room and not wanting them to hear about their sex life. She wrote down everything and gave both JJ and Emily bracelets to be able to see Dolan and Dasha. 

"Can we see them?" Emily asked. Jackie nodded, and so she led Emily and JJ to where they were. They were both in incubators, but when they saw them they started crying. 

"You made such beautiful children." JJ said. 

"WE made beautiful children. You helped create them." Emily said. JJ smiled and looked down at Emily, who was in a wheelchair. JJ was in the moment and leaned down and kissed Emily. When she realized what she was doing, so quickly pulled away and apologized. 

"I'm sorry. I was just-"

"Don't apologize. I mean, you are my wife after all." Emily said. 

"Wait, do you-"

"Kiss me again you dummy." Emily said causing JJ to chuckle. JJ kissed her again, and this time it felt as if her life was finally back together. She felt whole again. 


Hey guys! Yay they're back together! Do you guys listen to the songs that I put as the "theme song" for the chapter? Let me know! I hope you like this chapter!

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