Chapter 20

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**TW- active shooter. It's basically the entire chapter. If this could potentially trigger you, I would suggest to wait for the next chapter! I will put a recap of the ending at the beginning of the next chapter in case you can't ready this chapter!**

"Additional units needed at The Episcopal School of Dallas. Active shooter in progress. Multiple shooters. Shots have been fired. Requesting an additional K9." the dispatcher said. 

"500 en route to scene." JJ immediately said, getting out of her seat. Nala got up and ran with JJ out to the cruiser. 

"That's clear." the dispatcher said. After Nala was in, JJ went to the driver's side and got in. After getting in and turned on the cruiser, she turned on the lights and sirens and sped to the school. 

"500 code 10-23." JJ said. and got out. She went of to Nala's side and let her out as well. "What do we know so far?" JJ asked the sergeant. 

"There are four shooters. One on each side of the school. Everyone that was in the office is being held hostage in the locker room. A student who was hiding saw the secretaries, principal, superintendent, the art teacher, and someone they didn't recognize being pushed at gunpoint to the locker rooms. We believe the unidentified person is a parent. The shooters are not going out with a fight. So far there have been no fatalities, but there have been 11 injuries. One of them was holding what looked like a phone, so we suspect that there is a bomb or multiple. We cannot identify any of them as they all are wearing masks. They are in hiding right now, but we have officers searching right now." he said, bringing JJ up to speed on what was going on. 

"Do you mind me going in the office to see if I can see anything?" JJ asked. 

"You have a background in the FBI for profiling, right?" he asked. JJ nodded her head. "Okay. But bring Charles with you as backup." he said. JJ nodded, and the sergeant yelled for Charles to follow JJ into the office. JJ, Nala, and Charles all walked in. They could see students making their way out. They could hear a couple of gunshots being fired. They both instinctively reached for their guns but realized that no one firing their guns were near them. 

"Okay. So if it is a parent, then they most likely were signing out their child." JJ said. She looked for the sign in/out sheet but couldn't find it in its usual place. She went behind the desk and eventually found it under some papers. She looked at the last name on the list and realized that it was Declan. JJ just froze in place, not showing any emotion or moving. 

"Is everything okay?" Charles asked her. 

"The unidentified person is my wife. She was picking up our son, who I'm assuming is sick because he never misses school, and I know he doesn't have any appointments." JJ said. 

"Oh shit." he said. 

"I also know who our unsub is." JJ said. 

"Our what?" he asked. 

"Unsub or unknown subject. Her name is Izzy Rogers or known as 'Lady X' or the 'Queen of Diamonds'." JJ said, showing him the clipboard. There was a diamond with an x over it. 

"Is she dangerous?" he asked. 

"Very much so. And I have to deliver the profile so everyone knows who we're dealing with." JJ said. They walked out, and JJ called for all of the officer's attention. "I'm going to be brief about this so we can get back to work. The unsub we are dealing with is very violent and dangerous, and she won't go without a fight. Her name is Izzy Rogers. She is known as Lady X or the Queen of Diamonds. I did an investigation on her when I was with the FBI, and I was closing in on her until she just disappeared. She is many things including an assassin. Her last known attack was a bank in D.C. that resulted in many fatalities due to a bomb, so there is no doubt in my mind that there is a bomb in this school. When I investigated her, she only had a boyfriend who was her accomplice. It is likely they have recruited a couple of people to pull this off. Izzy is ruthless, and she will kill anyone in her way. Be vigilant, pair up with someone, and lets catch these guys." 

After JJ gave the brief profile, officers went inside including JJ and began looking for the team of killers. JJ was focused on getting to the locker room so she can get Emily. However, her and Nala were placed with the other K9s and their handlers to split up and find the bomb. JJ and another officer were paired up to go to the boiler room to look. On their way, Nala and the other K9 started sniffing a locker and barked. Since the locker was unlocked, they opened it and saw a small bomb. "A bomb has been located. Keep searching the premises for more." JJ said. 

"Copy that." she heard. She inspected the bomb and realized that there were many different colored wires. She only had about a minute to figure out which one. She thought long and hard about the option and chose the green one. The timer stopped, and they sighed with relief. 

"How did you know which one?" he asked. 

"Her and her boyfriend had roots in Chad as that's where it all started for them. Green was the only color that wasn't part of Chad's flag." JJ answered. They continued their way to the boiler room. They heard that another one was found. It was the same setup, so JJ told the officer to cut the green wire. After she told him that, she figured that it worked since there wasn't a big kaboom. 

"All of the children have been evacuated. But there is one child that is unaccounted for." she heard. 

"What's the child's name?" someone asked. 

"It is," she heard, but the sergeant took a pause. "Declan Prentiss-Jareau." he finished. JJ stopped in her tracks. 

"We need to keep moving." her partner said. 

"I need to find Declan." JJ said. 

"I knowyou want to go find him, but we have to find the bombs to keep everyone alive." he said. JJ's emotions were all over the place, but she nodded knowing he was right. They went into the boiler room, and there was another bomb. Two, actually. But they were attached to Emily and Declan, and Izzy was standing there with a gun pointed towards them. 

"It's nice to finally meet you, Jennifer." Izzy said with a sinister smile. 

"Why are you doing this?" JJ asked, Nala and the other K9 Mittens growling at Izzy. 

"I couldn't let you have all the fun, now could I?" she asked. JJ put her hand on her gun as an instinct. "Don't even think about it. Before you even have that ready I will shoot your-" Before Izzy could even finish her sentence, both Nala and Mittens were released, and they went after Izzy. Nala bit the arm while Mittens bit the leg. Gunshots were fired as Izzy screamed. "Get them off!" she screamed. JJ looked at Charles and nodded her head. They both yelled for their dogs to release. After they did, JJ had Charles hold her down while she decoded the bombs. The one on Declan was like the others. But the one on Emily was different. It was a four digit passcode. She tried two different years with only one more try left. "You'll never guess it." Izzy said. JJ thought about it and realized it was about her. She put in the numbers for 'Izzy', and it was right. But then another opened, and it was like the others, so she cut the green wire. 

"Looks like I win." JJ said. She cuffed Izzy and had Charles take her out. JJ hugged Emily and Declan tightly and started crying. That is, until she felt a warm liquid seeping through her uniform. She pulled away and realized that Emily had been shot in the shoulder. "We need to get you to an ambulance." JJ said. Emily nodded her head, still in shock at everything that had happened. JJ called for a medic, and so they sat there until one arrived. "There's a GSW to the right shoulder." JJ said. The medic nodded and attended to Emily. After evaluating, he puts her on the stretcher and takes her to the ambulance. 

"Nice work, Jareau." the sergeant said. 

"Thank you. You know, if it weren't for my wife and I getting into an argument, I wouldn't have been here to help you guys catch Izzy. I guess everything does happen for a reason. It's weird how things work out." JJ said. 

"Yeah. There probably would have been many fatalities if we didn't have you right here to figure out how to deactivate the bombs. We would have had to wait on bomb squad. You saved many lives today." he said. 

"We all did, sir. I just helped. But we worked together." JJ said. He nodded his head and said that her and Nala were free to go back to the station. However, JJ made a detour to the hospital. "500 signal 75." JJ said. 

"Clear, 500." the dispatcher said. JJ and Nala walked in and asked about Emily, but she was in surgery to remove the bullet.


Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter!

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