Chapter 17

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"Hey, do you think we could go to the mall later on? I need to get a few things." JJ asked Emily. It was the day before her birthday, and she wanted to get a few things for her and Emily's time together. 

"I mean, I guess." Emily said. 

"Are you okay?" JJ asked. 

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Emily asked. 

"You just seem very moody here lately." JJ said. 

"Or maybe you just keep hearing my tone wrong." Emily said angrily and walked away. She didn't know why she said it like that, but she did and felt guilty immediately after. JJ didn't know what was going on with her. She wanted to sit Emily down and just talk, but it felt like they never really had the chance to with Emily now in the fire academy and JJ working. 

"Maybe she's just tired and stressed." JJ said to herself. JJ went with that answer and went to the kitchen. She saw Emily cooking corn dogs. "I thought you didn't like corn dogs?" JJ asked her. 

"They just sounded good to me." Emily said, pulling the syrup out of the cupboard. JJ thought that was weird but didn't question it. JJ pulled out her Cheetos and went into the living room. She sat down on the couch and started watching Hallmark movies. Emily sat next to her and at her corn dogs with syrup. 

Since it was a Sunday, the kids and pets were at Elizabeth's house. "Do you think that your mom could keep them until after we go to the mall? I know exactly what I want, so I will be in and out." JJ said. 

"I can ask. But please put your blinders up going past Bath and Body. We don't need anymore soap and candles." Emily said. 

"Fine." JJ complained. 

"And Auntie Anne's." Emily said. 


"I said what I said. The kids are excited, well mainly Declan, for your birthday and is looking forward to having ice cream cake tonight." Emily said. 

"Okay fine." JJ said. She let Emily get ready while she asked Elizabeth if they could stay for another hour. She was cool with it, so they went to the mall. Shockingly, JJ and Emily were in and out within 15 minutes.

"I guess you really did know what you wanted." Emily said. 

"Yes, and now I get to put them to the test next weekend." JJ said with a smirk. 

"Don't even start missy." Emily warned. 

"I mean, we have about a a half hour before they get back. We haven't had car sex in awhile." JJ said. 

"True. We can't get caught in the garage." Emily said. JJ smirked, and they rushed back home. They did a quickie within seven minutes and had just enough time to get inside and cool off. Emily decided to take a quick shower since JJ did squirt on her. 

"Happy early birthday momma!" Declan said as he walked in. Daviana ran in and ran up to JJ, handing her a piece of paper. It had scribbles all over it, but JJ just imagined that it was a birthday card. 

"It looks like we have our next Picasso here!" JJ said as she put the scribbled paper on the fridge. Declan handed her Dove chocolate. 

"Aw thank you Declan!" JJ said, giving him a hug. 

"I would have gotten you something today, but Declan was in a rush to get home. But I did produce and give birth to your wife, so I guess she can be my present to you today." Elizabeth said. 

"Thank you for creating her." JJ said. 

"No problem," Elizabeth said. "Actually, I did have some problems with her during the pregnancy, but other than that, no problem." Elizabeth finished her thought. JJ chuckled and opened her package of Dove chocolate. Emily walked out, and they began JJ's early birthday celebration. All of them ended up falling sleep by 8:30 pm. 

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