Chapter 24

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"What's happening?" JJ asked Declan as he walked in to JJ's room. 

"I should be asking you that right now. Why are you in the hospital?" Declan asked JJ. 

"That's not important. I need to know what's going on so I know what to do." JJ said. 

"A lot has happened since you two split up. Chloe, I think the one that kidnapped mom, somehow is out of prison, and she's been back for about four months now. Everything seemed okay until recently. She's been yelling at mom, and mom seems scared of her. Today Chloe hit her, and I tried to block mom. Chloe hit me too and pulled a knife out saying that I should move unless I wanted to be stabbed. I didn't want to, but mom demanded that I did. I shouldn't have left, but if I didn't, then she might have gone after Davi too." Declan said in hysterics. Daviana was crying, so he handed her to JJ. JJ's head wasn't doing any better, but she had to remain strong and calm Daviana down. 

"Emily would've made you leave either way. She's a mother first, so if you're in harms way, she will protect you any way she can. Even if that means you leave while she stays because she knows you're safe that way." JJ said. 

"I just don't get it. Why wouldn't she let me stay? I just don't want her getting hurt. I really miss you, momma." Declan said. 

"I miss you guys, too. Like I said, she did it to protect you guys." JJ said. "I should be getting out of here soon, so do you guys want to stay until I get released?" JJ asked. Declan nodded his head, and so he sat in a chair nearby while JJ held Daviana. Since Daviana wasn't getting much sleep due to Chloe and Emily constantly arguing, she fell asleep almost instantly. 

"Are you hungry? I can give you some money to get you something to eat." JJ said. 

"I have some money. But now that you mention it, I am a little hungry." he said. 

"Okay. Just be careful, okay?" JJ said. He nodded his head and went to the cafeteria to get something to eat. He returned about 20 minutes later with some Cheetos puffs, a bottle of apple juice, and a bottled water. 

"Davi hasn't really been eating in the mornings, so hopefully she will at least eat this." he said. 

"You're a great big brother to her." JJ said. 

"I try to be." he said. He grabbed her sippy cup and poured in about a fourth apple juice and the rest water. When he opened the bag, Daviana instantly woke up. He handed the Cheetos puffs and sippy cup to her, and she began to eat and drink. 

"So are you going to tell me what happened?" Declan asked. 

"I was on a call. K9's were needed to search the premises for drugs and to search around for the suspect since he ran. He was armed, and we were shot at. He grazed Nala's neck, and so she's in the animal hospital right now. As we were rushing her to the cruiser, there was an explosion. It knocked us down, and we were out for a couple of minutes before waking up. But then we went to the animal hospital, and I ended up passing out there along with the other guy who was helping me with Nala. Now I am here with a concussion." JJ answered. 

"I wish I would've known that. I'm so sorry that's happened to you, momma. Why does your job have to be so dangerous?" Declan asked. 

"I don't know, bud. But it keeps you guys along with the rest of the city safe from the bad guys." JJ answered. 

"But if you end up dying, then who's going to protect us?" Declan asked. That question broke JJ's heart, but she knew that a lot of parents in the law enforcement field have conversations like this all the time. 

"Lets not think about that right now. Lets just think about ice cream or puppies." JJ said. 

"What about-"

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