Chapter 9

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"I think I'm starting to see her less and less. It definitely isn't as much as what it used to be. So that's a plus." JJ told her therapist. 

"That's good. And how has returning to work been going for you?" she asked. 

"Not too bad. I actually still feel bad for sergeant Galloway putting her career on the line to save mine." JJ said. 

"That's what good boss's do when they have good employees. They would do anything to keep them even if it meant losing their job. Has being back affected you in any way?" 

"Just emotionally by being away from the kids again. But other than that I'm okay. Nala keeps me grounded." JJ answered. 

"Understandable about the kids. I'm glad you have Nala to keep you in check and make sure you don't do anything stupid. Have you given it any thought to go back to Quantico?" she asked. 

"I have, but I think I want to stay here. I know there's a lot of bad memories, but there's also a lot of good memories of being here. Plus Declan loves his school, and I don't want him to have to transfer again." JJ answered. 

"Do you think it would benefit you by staying here?" she asked. 

"Yes and no. I've grown to absolutely love my job, and I know that I can transfer to the FBI base here if there's a job opening. I love everyone I have met, and we've all grown so close to each other. Especially Brooklyn and Matthew. We're like three peas in a pod. But then there's Emily dying in my arms on the alter, and now I keep seeing her everywhere I go it seems like." JJ answered. 

"Okay. Well we are out of time. Keep in mind the pros and cons. I know you said you thought about moving back to D.C. so I want you to make a list listing off all of the pros and the cons. Do you want to keep the meetings at a week?" she asked. JJ nodded her head. Her therapist wrote down her next appointment on a card and handed it to her. JJ took it, and her therapist lead her out. JJ went to her car and decided that she would go to the grocery store to get the groceries needed to make her lunch. She quickly walked through and got everything she needed and checked out. She made sure that she was fast because she only had two hours before she had to get ready for work. When she got home, she tossed the groceries onto the couch and sprinted to the bathroom. After she pee'd, she washed her hands and made a salad. She used spring mix, red and yellow bell peppers, tomatoes, a hard boiled egg, some ham, cheese, and Italian dressing.  She put a little bit of salt on top and some pepper before digging in. She ate it within 10 minutes, which left her about an hour and a half to relax and get ready. She went to her room and laid down on Emily's side and closed her eyes. Not to sleep but just to relax. As she was doing so, she heard the front door close lightly. Nala was laying with her, but she was in a deep sleep. JJ got up and grabbed her gun. She peeked out the door and proceeded to walk out cautiously. She cleared each room before walking downstairs. She knew it was Elizabeth because she still had Daviana since JJ had an appointment. Plus JJ figured it would be a nice surprise for Declan when Elizabeth picked him up from school. 

"Show yourself!" JJ shouted. 

"It's just me, love." JJ heard behind her. She froze. Not because she was scared, but because she knew that voice. But it couldn't be. JJ turned around, and sure enough it was. 

"Emily?" JJ whispered. Emily nodded her head. "No. This has to be another hallucination. You're dead. That's what this is." JJ said, pacing back and forth. 

"It's not a hallucination. It's actually me. And you never were hallucinating. It's been me the entire time." Emily said. 

"But you're dead!" JJ shouted. 

"Let's just sit down." Emily said, grabbing JJ's wrist gently. 

"Don't touch me!" JJ said, ripping her hand away from Emily. But then she realized that she actually felt Emily's hand on her wrist. She looked at Emily in disbelief. "But..." is all JJ said. 

"Let's sit down, and I will explain everything." Emily said. All JJ could do was nod her head. She couldn't speak. She couldn't even form words. They sat down, and Emily started explaining. 

"After Keegan shot me, and I was taken to the hospital, I did actually die. But they were able to resuscitate me and get me stabilized. Keegan had called many times and even sent many death threats in case I didn't die. He even threatened to kill you and the kids if I didn't. So to keep me safe as well as you and the kids, I made the decision to go off the grid and pretend that I died on the operating table. I went by many different aliases, I never stayed in the same city for more than a month, and I only made cash transactions. You have no idea how badly I wanted to tell you guys and just come home. But you have to know that I did it to protect you guys. But since you caught him, we don't have to worry anymore. That's why I came back." Emily said. 

"Do you have any idea how much pain we've been in? Declan has immersed himself in writing music, his sports, and his job. Daviana stopped eating for a week. She had to get a feeding tube until she started eating again. And I started doing drugs again, did things I wish I never did, devoted myself to finding Keegan, developed major depression, and I never really coped with you being gone. We've been in so much pain, and you didn't even have the decency to reach out saying that you're actually alive?!" JJ shouted with tears threatening to fall. 

"I couldn't." Emily said. 

"You couldn't, or you wouldn't?" JJ asked. 

"I couldn't!" Emily said, raising her voice. Tears fell from her eyes as she looked away for a few seconds. "Do you know what it's like having to make a tough decision like that? What it's like to lose your entire family in just a blink of an eye because you know what you have to do in order to protect them? It's not easy. I cried for weeks because I couldn't see you guys or even communicate with you. I was so happy to read that you caught him because I knew that I would be able to come back. I knew it wouldn't be easy. So I started little by little. But I needed to see you more. And now here I am. You act like this was such an easy decision for me, but it wasn't. At all." Emily said. JJ told her to stay put because she was going to call sergeant Galloway to ask if she could take a half day. Once it was okay'd, JJ sat back down. They continued to talk about it until they heard the door open. 

"-and it was- mom?" Declan said, stopping in his tracks. 

"Emily?!" Elizabeth asked. 


Hey guys! Thank you to missthang_alyssa18 for suggesting this idea! I hope you guys like this chapter!

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