Chapter 4

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"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Rafael asked JJ, her drug dealer.

"Absolutely. I need to catch that son of a bitch who murdered Emily, and this is the way I choose." JJ said. 

"It's not the right path to go down." he said. 

"I don't care. When we catch him, you're going to have to restrain me from killing him." JJ said. 

"I would never let you kill someone. Now let's go. This first person is probably my biggest supplier. It usually costs me around $4,000 for how much I get." he said. JJ's eyes nearly fell out of her head. "Prices have gone up." he said. 

"Just for some marijuana?" JJ asked. Rafael nodded his head. "Damn. Hopefully he likes blondes." JJ said jokingly. 

"He likes any woman, so you're good." he said. Rafael drove to the guys house. "Now, before we go to the door, one thing I need you to know is that this guy will do whatever he wants with you if you don't tell him your terms. So please, please, let him know what he can't do." he said. JJ nodded her head once again, and they got out of the car. They walked up to his front door and knocked. The guy lived in the country and had no neighbors around. Someone opened the door, and JJ saw a guy in his mid to late 50's. He had some gray hair, and he had a dad bod. 

"Who's this?" the guys asked, looking JJ up and down. JJ was wearing a skimpy outfit. She had on the shorted skirt she own along with a white crop top and black thigh high boots. 

"This is my partner, Kimberly." he said. 

"Nice to meet you." JJ said, shaking the guy's hand. She was glad that Rafael used an alias. 

"It sure is." the guys said. JJ could tell that the guy was basically undressing her with his eyes. The guy told them to come in so people wouldn't get suspicious. They did, and the place had beer cans all over the place as well as cigarette butts and ash trays. 

"Okay, well, here's the-" Rafael began to talk, but the guy interrupted him. 

"Don't worry about payment." he said. 

"What do you mean?" Rafael asked, trying his best to look confused. 

"Don't pay me. I want her." he said.

"I don't think that's-" 

"I said what I said. Now take your weed and get out." he said. Rafael looked at JJ, and she gave him a reassuring nod. JJ was nervous, but she knew that she wouldn't enjoy it at all. She just needed to pretend to and wait until after he finishes. Rafael left, and JJ looked at the guy. 

"No kissing, and that includes the body too. You must wear a condom. No weird and kinky shit. You only cum once, and that's it. I have places to be, and I don't have all night." JJ said sternly. 

"Alright. Let's get to it then." he said. It only took him five minutes before he was done. JJ faked her moans and climax just so he could be done quicker. She knew he wouldn't last too long. She just didn't think it would be that quick. JJ walked outside after putting her clothes back on and went into the car. 

"Damn that was fast." Rafael said. 

"He's old." JJ said, causing herself and Rafael to chuckle. Rafael went to his house next, and as JJ was waiting in the car, she took a couple of pills. Rafael returned two minutes later to go to his last destination. 

"So who is this guy?" JJ asked. 

"He is just someone who owes me a lot of money." Rafael said. 

"Huh. What are you going to do?" JJ asked. 

"No idea. We'll see when I get there." he said. The drive was a short 10 minute one. Rafael parked in the nearest parking lot and walked out. JJ decided to follow him even though he said to not to. "What did I say?" he asked.

"I just thought I'd be backup." JJ said. He sighed but allowed it. They walked into an ally and saw this white guy who looked to be about JJ's age. 

"Damn I see you brought me a little snack." the guy said. 

"She's not for you." Rafael said. He was starting to get upset because he was realizing just how much men sexualized and objectified women. He didn't really have anyone close that were female. He was gay, so he's never saw women like that before. 

"Damn bro, let the girl speak for herself. You me, don't you baby girl?" he asked. Rafael punched the guy in the face, and that stunned all three of them. 

"She doesn't want you. Now I believe you owe me some money. You know this is your last chance." Rafael said. 

"Yeah. About that." the guy said. Rafael punched him again and again until he fell on the ground. Rafael kicked him, but before he kicked again a gunshot was heard. Rafael looked at the guy and saw that there was blood coming from the left side of his chest. He looked back and saw JJ with her gun pointed towards him. 

"There. He's not a problem anymore. Are you ready now?" JJ asked. 

"Who are you?" Rafael asked rhetorically. 

"I'm Kimberly, a boss ass bitch." JJ answered. JJ didn't really feel any emotion even though she just killed someone. They walked back to the car; Rafael emotionless and processing what happened. 

"You just killed someone." Rafael said out loud. 

"Yep." JJ said. 

"I told you I wouldn't let you do that. I failed." he said. 

"You told JJ that. I'm Kimberly. Remember? And Kimberly is ruthless while JJ is not." JJ said. 

"What have I done to you?" he asked. 

"Nothing." JJ said. JJ was still feeling the high from the pills she took as well as the adrenaline from the events previously. 

"Don't you have kids? Do they know what you're doing?" he asked. 

"I told them I would be picking up hours every other day making my days 12 hours." JJ answered. 

"Maybe you should stop this. I don't feel right with you-"

"I'm not going to fucking stop until I catch this bitch. He needs to pay, and Emily deserves justice. I'm doing this for her." JJ answered. 

"I don't know where JJ is, but I miss her. I don't like Kimberly." Rafael said. 

"Well that makes two of us. Now drive." JJ said. He did, and he dropped her off at her car in a parking lot. JJ got inside and changed out of her clothes. She felt disgust and hatred for herself for what she's doing, but it needed to be done.


Hey guys! I don't like this side of JJ, and I know you guys don't either. I have big plans for future chapters, and I can't wait until we get our JJ back. I hope you like this chapter!

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