━ i. the internet is a dangerous place

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━━ ALEYNA' S COMPUTER MOUSE RAPIDLY scrolled down the social media rabbit hole of "Justice for Sokovia!" or "Pray for the fallen!" or "Save Sokovia!" which only made the girl roll her eyes.

She wasn't angry at the people's care for Sokovia; after all, Sokovia wasn't far from her own home country of Ukraine. However, the hashtags and interviews could only distract her from her goal.


After the Battle of Sokovia, parts of the villain, Ultron, had been sold for scraps online. Aleyna could only cross her fingers and hope that a nice deal would fall into her lap, and she'd receive at least a small nugget of the powerful metal.

Depending on how far she could get her idea out, peoples' lives depend on it.

Aleyna had been planning to create the world's largest water filter. The machine would collect the dirt, grime, and sand from mass amounts of water and create safe, drinkable water, simultaneously saving Earth and the people on it.

Other water filters did this, but could never be big enough to fuel the world.

Aleyna's idea could.

She had the portions built, they just needed to be assembled, like Lego pieces. During the revival weeks of the battle, Aleyna's ideas and fragments of her filter only motivated her more.

She clicked onto eBay, her eyes shooting from word to word quickly, her breath slightly hitching as she read;

"vibranium, $200.28"

Aleyna paused. "Two hundred?!" The girl thought, a smile growing on her face. "Who in their right mind sells this much for only two hundred?!"

Into her cart did the tons go. Using her birthday and Christmas money saved on her card, she quickly purchased the metal, shutting her laptop with a smile.

Her hands shook with excitement as she took a long exhale. She had been looking for the metal for weeks, unable to find a better alternative.

She was starting to believe that it wasn't possible to find it; but here she was, imagining the final pieces of her 7-month long puzzle clicking together.

The girl didn't even question how the seller managed to get so much vibranium in the first place, but it didn't matter; the metal is her's, and only her's.

WORK OF ART ▹ W. Maximoff ¹ ✓Where stories live. Discover now