━ ix. at long last is lasting a little long

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          ━━ AFTER FIVE DAYS of testing the power stabilizer, Nat and Fury agreed that it was safe for Aleyna to handle. Steve agreed begrudgingly, though he completely disagreed with their assessment.

Now, Aleyna sat at the kitchen table, a plate of huevos rancheros sitting half-eaten in front of her. As the girl ate, she felt another presence enter the room, but decided not to turn around to see who it was; she had a feeling that she knew.

Sure enough, heading to the fridge was Wanda herself. The girls had been a bit tense; Aleyna suspected a bit of jealousy. After all, she got a stabilizer ring and Wanda hadn't. In an attempt to get a bit of closure, Aleyna had decided to ask why Wanda hated her so.

But, before she could get the words out, the Sokovian girl beat her to it.

"What's that?" She pointed to the girl's plate. "Oh, just huevos rancheros," Aleyna explained.

At Wanda's perplexed look, Aleyna went into depth. "Ranch eggs. It's two fried corn tortillas topped with fried beans with two sunny side up eggs and hot sauce, coriander, and black pepper."

Wanda could only nod, thoughtfully staring at the plate of food. "Do you... wanna try some?" Aleyna offered with a smug smile.

Wanda paused before grabbing another fork and taking a bite. Wanda's spite didn't allow her to say that she liked it and that she wanted more, but a slight smile appeared on her lips anyway. "Aw, you like it!" Aleyna chirped happily.

"No I don't, shut up." Wanda snapped, her normal, cold expression inhabiting her face yet again. "Why do you hate me?" Aleyna asked as her smile fell as quickly as it appeared. "We had a... a friendship moment! Like normal people!"

"We are not normal people." Wanda let out piercingly as she turned to the fridge, opening it forcefully. "We're mutants. Infected. Diseased."

"Infected?" Aleyna repeated in disbelief. "Wanda, we're not infecte-"

"You aren't, but I am. I killed my brother, and I got these freakish powers from a nazi organization!" She screeched, a surge of energy flying out of her hands and hitting the ground. Aleyna flinched at the loud noise, peaking down to see the damage.

"Look," She began firmly. "You think you're shit. I understand you're hurting. You're stuck in the compound of the company that killed your parents. I'd be upset, too." Aleyna got up and slammed the fridge door shut forcibly, her face mere inches from Wanda's.

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