━ vii. mystery abilities girl

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          ━━ WANDA'S CRIMSON ENERGY SURROUNDED surrounded the doorknob that led to Aleyna's room before turning it to the right, opening it.

Wanda took a glimpse around her surroundings before dashing into the room, Aleyna's reflexes bursting to life by making her head jerk up. The girl had been sitting on her air mattress, trying to dull her boredom by thinking about what powers she could have.

After all, Steve and the others were still checking her devices for any illegal activity.

"Shh!" Wanda put a hand to Aleyna's mouth, knowing there was a chance that Aleyna would respond loudly. "Don't scream. I'm not planning to hurt you. Just, please... stay quiet."

Wanda gradually removed her hand from Aleyna's mouth as realization hit the Ukrainian girl. "You're Sokovian." She gasped after noticing Wanda's accent. "The Maxi-pad sister."

"Moff. Maximoff."

"Oh." The brunette nodded. "And you're the girl with the... what is it... the red... swirly's? The glowy things?"

"The energy, and yes." The Sokovian nodded. "And you're the mystery abilities girl?"

"That's me." Aleyna smiled, standing up and holding her hand out for Wanda to shake it. "Aleyna."

"Why did you buy the vibranium?" Wanda demanded, crossing her arms.

"Straight to the point." Aleyna sighed, slowly looking at the Sokovian girl up and down while retracting her hand. "Y'know, you don't seem like the authority figure around here. I don't think I'm supposed to tell you."

"And you weren't supposed to mess with the vibranium in the first place, but here we are now." Wanda clapped back, cocking a brow.

"You stole the vibranium." Aleyna mimicked Wanda's cross expression.

"To potentially save the world."

"And then sold it to a sixteen-year-old." She looked at her nails, her brows furrowing. "Wow."

Wanda's energy pinned Aleyna to the wall, the blood-colored energy surrounding her torso, the Sokovian's hand slightly shaking as she glared at the pinned girl.

"I did what I thought what right." She said in a low, menacing tone. Although Aleyna's face made her seem disinterested, her thoughts said otherwise; the girl's stomach churned, flipping ecstatically.

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