━ xii. born this way featuring w. maximoff

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━━ "I MEAN, I'M NOT CRAZY, RIGHT?" Steve had been ranting to Sam in the gym as Sam attacked a punching bag beside him. "Aleyna could get hurt."

"Steve, it's been three weeks!" Sam reminded him between punches. "The girl is fine! Shut up about it!"


"Y'know what? Let's go make sure." Sam decided, grabbing the blond man's wrists and dragging him through the facility, all the way to Aleyna's room.

Sam burst into the room, the door making a large boom as it made an impact with the wall. "Are you dead?" The aggravated man demanded.

Aleyna's head snapped up to look at the two men, Sam seeming irritated, Steve seeming concerned. The girl had been laying on her bed, reading an article on her laptop when Sam nearly broke her door.

"Are we talking via ouija board?" The girl gave a snarky response, which got an annoyed groan out of Sam.

"Just answer the damn question, child!"

"Fine! No! I'm not dead!"

"See?" The man looked to the blond. "She's fine! Aleyna," He looked to the girl. "Tell him you're ok!"

"I'm ok." She promised, nodding. "A bit confused, but ok."

"Steve thinks you're gonna kill yourself because you joined us." Sam explained with exasperation. "I never said she was gonna kill herself!" Steve spoke up, his finger in Sam's face. "I said that something else could potentially kill her!"

"That's not any better!"

"Hey, uh, can we stop arguing around me?" Aleyna's voice broke through the two men's argument, leaving them stunned. "I made the decision to join the team. Me. Not anyone else. I know the risks. I've seen the damage you've done, but you've still saved Earth from aliens, and- and other space shit. So, Steve, I appreciate that you care about me, but I did this to myself. Please stop arguing about it."


"Yeah, Mr. Savior Complex." Sam chuckled, holding his hand in the air, which was Aleyna's cue to high-five him. After a few seconds of still silence, Sam awkwardly cleared his throat, lowering his hand.

"And if you're making a mistake?" Steve's arms crossed. "Then what? Being an Avenger isn't just fancy suits and fast punches."

"Well, duh. It also comes with unfrozen ninety-year-olds and emotional teenage microwaves." She scoffed playfully. "But seriously, Steve. I'm fine, despite Sam threatening me to say that."

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