━ xi. the slavic sisters

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━━ "THEY LET ME IN!" Aleyna exclaimed when she re-entered Wanda's room. "I'm an Avenger!"

"How do you feel?" Wanda wondered excitedly as Aleyna climbed into her bed again.

"Nervous," The Ukrainian girl admitted, moving the remote from under her. "But excited. I don't know if you'll get mad at me for saying this, but I've come to like you all."

"Really?" Wanda inquired, her heart skipping a beat. Aleyna was one of the few people in her life that she didn't despise. Steve was a bit arrogant, Vision didn't understand anything that wasn't on the internet, and Nat was rather emotionless.

The only ones she could handle were Sam and Aleyna, but she tended to enjoy Aleyna's company more.

"Yeah!" The new Avenger tucked her hair behind her ears. "I mean, you guys are nicer than my parents. You guys actually talk to me. I'd rather explain feelings to Vision than be alone with my dad."

"What's wrong with him?"

"He's really... grade and goal-oriented. He also works a lot, so he usually spent his break time talking to me about school and my future. I'm glad he cared, but... I think it was for our reputations. To make us seem better than we really are."

"And your mom?"

"Ugh, I don't even wanna think about her." She groaned, rolling her eyes. "I'm sorry, Aleyna," Wanda shook her head sympathetically.

"That's... that's awful."

"It's fine." She waved it off. "I shouldn't be complaining. They kept me alive, didn't they?"

Wanda said nothing and laid her head on Aleyna's shoulder. "I think my parents favored Pietro." Wanda began after a brief, heavy silence. "Probably because he was a boy. He was also older than me."

"Weren't you twins?"

Wanda closed her eyes tightly, as she wasn't used to referring to Pietro in the past tense yet. "W- We were," She shuttered. "My parents loved us both, but it was obvious that they had him on a pedestal. I was so mad at him for so long because of it. I got over it, of course, long before he-" The Sokovian paused, her bottom lip trembling.

"It's ok to cry, Wanda." Aleyna reassured as she pulled Wanda into a hug.

"No." Wanda pushed herself off of Aleyna. "I don't- I don't need your pity. I'm ok."

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