━ xxiii. not-so-happy little accidents

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━━ AFTER RETRIEVING THE PIZZA, the two girls sat in the car, awkward silence filling the space. This had been the most uncomfortable and vulnerable moment they'd in a while, so neither girl knew how to handle it. Do they fill the air with words, or do they let the silence linger?

Instead of speaking, they ate their slice of pizza, Wanda watching the box that sat on the dashboard to keep from sparking a conversation.

"I know we planned on staying in Manhattan for a while longer," Aleyna spoke up, taking the leap of faith. "But I think that we should head home after we're finished eating."

"Yeah," Wanda agreed with a nod. "We should."

The reticence returned yet again, leaving each girl speechless. The only sound in the car was the soft sound of their chewing. Although she wanted to, Wanda refrained from reading Aleyna's mind. She definitely could've; after all, who would've known? Certainly not Aleyna. But, out of respect ━ and perhaps admiration ━ of her 'friend', she kept her powers to herself.

As for Aleyna, she began to question her new life more than she did before. Were the Avengers planning to use her before Wanda stepped in, or was it Wanda's anxiety clouding some sort of other truth she was missing? Or was she reaching for answers that weren't really there?

After Aleyna finished her pizza crust, she gently removed the bracelet from her wrist, her facade disappearing as promptly as it appeared. Her hair returned to its normal length and color, and the freckles were no more. She grabbed the brown tote from the back seat and dropped her bracelet inside of it before facing forward. The girl began to make another frozen key, the piece of ice morphing to the shape of the keyhole before fitting inside. Aleyna started the car, driving away from the little pizzeria.

Wanda looked to the girl's free hand that sat on the armrest of her seat. Hesitantly, she extended her hand and held Aleyna's, which prompted the Ukrainian girl to clasp it tighter. As she drove with one hand, the other hand linked with Wanda's, her thumb twisting Wanda's rings.

As for Wanda, she looked out of the window, the buildings and lights becoming blurred. "I'm gonna miss the blonde." Wanda let out, her energy surrounding the bracelet and removing it from her wrist.

"I'm gonna miss the red." Aleyna agreed, her eyes locked on the road while Wanda's normal appearance began to resurface. "We looked good. Nice change."

"Yeah." She added before releasing Aleyna's hand and setting her bracelet in her tote. "It really was. Not even just the looks. It was a nice change of scenery."

"You wanna do it again?"

"Oh, for sure." Wanda agreed with a slight smile, clasping Aleyna's empty hand yet again. The car was still again, Aleyna continuing to drive, Wanda's eyelids becoming heavy with exhaustion. She tried to fight sleep, yet succumbed to slumber, her eyes closing as her head laid on the headrest of the seat.

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