━ xxix. avengers... assemble

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━━ ALEYNA STAYED UP ALL NIGHT, watching various tv shows as Wanda slept, her head on the girl's shoulder, her arms wrapped around her torso and hugging her.

She knew it would be a stupid decision, considering that she had to train tomorrow, but she didn't care. She had gotten eight episodes deep into Grey's Anatomy, and she sure as hell wasn't gonna stop now.

However, when the sun peaked through the curtains and straight into her eyes, she knew it was time to get up. Rubbing her eyes, she looked to the door after hearing a hand knock on it.

Panicking, she slowly replaced her body with a pillow, Wanda hugging it tighter than before. "Come in!" Aleyna called, Steve entering the room and looking at the tv.

"Is this that doctor show you watch all the time?" He asked, pointing to the tv as she nodded. "The one that Nat says is long and ridiculously over- overhyped, I think she said?"

"Ok, well, um, tell her that her opinion is trash, ok?" Her brows furrowed as Steve sighed. "Why'd you come in here anyway? I thought it was eight-something."

"You're not training today." He said flatly. "You and Wanda need to get ready and meet everyone in the conference room in ten."

Before the Ukrainian girl could ask any more questions, Steve walked off, leaving the door wide open. She surrounded the door handle in ice before closing it, then looked down at the sleeping Sokovian.

"Wanda," She rested her hand on the girl's shoulder. "It's time to get up."

"No." Wanda denied, groaning. "Wanda, if I have to get up, so do you." Aleyna climbed out of the bed and pulled the covers off of Wanda. "So get up."

"Why do we have to get up anyway?"

"Steve wants us in the conference room in ten." Aleyna grabbed the girl, picking her up and slinging her over her shoulder. "Besides, I should be the tired one. I stayed up all night."

"It was your decision to watch Grey's all night!" Wanda shot back as Aleyna sat her on the bathroom floor.

"If you don't wanna go, I'll let Nat yell at you." The Ukrainian girl shrugged, turning to the sink and beginning to brush her teeth.

"What are we, Leyna?" The Sokovian girl looked at Aleyna's reflection before lowering her voice. "We kissed. Does that make us..."

"I mean," Aleyna began between brushes. "I like you, you like me. People who like each other... well, they date." She spat out the toothpaste, turning around to face Wanda. "Is that what you want?"

"Is that what you want?"

"You first." Aleyna left the bathroom and headed to the conference room, Wanda following closely behind.

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