━ vi. girl meets credit card

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           ━━ "WHY'D YOU TAKE THE VIBRANIUM?" Nat asked Wanda, who now had the lie detector on her wrist. Steve and Vision stood on each side of the spy as Wanda shot glares at them. "I don't have to answer anything I don't want to."

"You're right. You don't." Steve agreed calmly, refusing to let the girl's anger affect him. "You just won't be let go."

Wanda sighed, a disappointed look on her face. "I went back to Sokovia and found parts of Ultron, stripped them of the vibranium, and sold them online. Why's that so bad?"

"Because you could have potentially sold it to someone worse than Ultron." Vision answered coolly, Wanda rolling her eyes. "Please. I'm smarter than that. I knew they'd be innocent... I'd just didn't think you all would care so bad."

The light flashed the established green. "Do you have any more hidden away now?" Steve was next to speak. "Even the tiniest shred?"

"None," Wanda answered confidently, the green glowing yet again. "How did you even get the money for this?" Nat interrogated.

"I used Steve's."

"Steve's?!" Vision and Nat looked to the blond in unison, the green emerging again.

"Steve?" The blond sputtered. "Wait- me?"

"You left your card on the table in your office. I put in your information, and it let me in."

"Steve, you don't check your card history?!" Nat hit him in the arm.

"Sometimes it's hard using technology! It took Tony weeks to teach me how to use all of these holograms!"

"You can check your history in person, Mr. Rogers." Vision sighed, putting his hands to his temples. "So, you grabbed the vibranium and managed to get in the facility without raising suspicion. Did you use your powers to alter the cameras?"

"I mean, yeah. It was pretty easy to sneak all of it in, for some reason. You should check on that." Wanda explained, the bulb twinkling its lime green light. "And you did this all in your room?" Steve continued.

"Yes." She groaned, tired of the interrogation. "Can I go?"

The three Avengers shared a look. "Fine," Steve answered begrudgingly, removing the bracelet from Wanda's wrist.

The girl stormed off, Vision's eyes guiltily following her as Steve and Nat's eyes looked to their wristwatches quickly. "What do you think it is?" Steve looked to Nat, sarcasm coating his voice while Nat just snickered.

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