━ xxv. guardians (but not of the galaxy)

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━━ NAT, STEVE, VISION, AND FURY sat in stunned silence, unsure of what to say or do. None of them had ever experienced anything like this before, so none of them had a comeback to the situation that the universe laid upon them. For the first time, S.H.I.E.L.D was stuck.

"Look, I'm just gonna say it," Fury sighed, his hands folded, almost shaped like a small tent. "We don't know what we should do. There's a protocol for contaminated persons, but not sassy teenage girls who just so happen to have super-human abilities and alien-like superpowers."

"Well, if you attempt to escape penitentiary, you'd only serve more time." Vision suggested. "Yeah? And send them to who's prison? Us?" Steve scratched the inside of his wrist with a singular fingernail, trying to keep his calm. "There's nowhere to send them."


"That's just inhumane, Vis..." Steve's nose crinkled in disgust. "We can't just lock the kids in their rooms forever, because that's what they are. They're kids, and I think we're forgetting who exactly we're dealing with."

"They're not normal kids though, Steve." Nat cracked her knuckles while looking at the other men. "They're kids, obviously, but they're not normal ones. I mean, Wanda got her powers from a Nazi organization, and Aleyna got hers from one of the strongest metals on Earth. We can't treat them like normal kids because they aren't."

"Romanoff is right, Rogers." The director sided with the redhead as the synthezoid continued to ruminate on the situation. "So what shall we treat them as?" Vision answered, garnering the attention of the rest of his teammates. "Certainly not adults. Not aliens, not mutants, not synthezoids who are determined to destroy the human race, then what? There's nothing else. We can only treat them like human children because that's what they are."

"And is there a protocol for that?" The Russian redhead challenged, which left Vision quiet, along with the rest of the team. That's when Nat spoke again, the silence settling as the attention was placed on her.

"What about Tony?" She suggested in a low tone, obviously not confident with her answer. "As in Stark?!" Fury's voice boomed. "Natasha, who do you think he is?"

"I know he's not... an ideal choice, but what else do we have? He has the technology to train them. He's only half an hour away, so we can regularly check on them. He knows about vibranium, so he can easily study the effects of it as we have."

"Did you forget the part where he helped the girls escape in the first place? Or did you just forget about his personality? Wanda and Aleyna would be worse if they went with Stark."

"I never said it was ideal! It was just a suggestion, sir."

"We need to lay boundaries, and dare I say it, think like parents," Steve spoke over their disagreement. "We're all right for one reason; they're kids. What do kids need? A boundary. We don't need to coddle them like we're their parents, but at the end of the day, we have to be their guardians. We have to make rules and consequences. The lines between being their boss and being their caretaker have to blur. Luckily, they're in their late teens, so the only thing we have to teach them is not to sneak out. It's our only option unless we want Tony's influence to rub off on them."

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