━ xiv. bees and berry face

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━━ "I WANT YOU TO TRY SOMETHING." Fury stood in front of the two younger Avengers with his hands behind his back as they sat on the floor of the shooting range. "Power combination. It makes an average power even stronger. We believe that the combination will create an effect of hypothermia and heatstroke. Unbearably cold on the inside, boiling hot on the outside."

"How do we do this?" Aleyna's hand raised.

"That's what we have to figure out."

"Will this kill us?"

"It shouldn't." Fury shrugged nonchalantly, which caused the girls to share a worried look. "Now, one of my guards will bring in a testing dummy. When we're done with each practice round, we'll cut it open, examine the inside, and decide if it's a success or not. If it is, great. We practice and perfect it. If it's not, then we still practice and perfect it. Are we clear?"

Aleyna nodded as she swallowed the lump in her throat, the two girls standing up and mentally preparing themselves.

"What if we have to hold hands?" Wanda asked, clasping Aleyna's hand. "Sometimes, they do it on magic shows."

"Try it." Fury stood to the side as two of his guards brought in four mannequins. When Wanda's energy surrounded their hands, the Ukrainian girl quickly pulled away, wincing.

"Sorry, I'm not into third-degree burns."

"Right... so no physical contact." Fury held his hand out as a guard passed him a pen and clipboard, the director scribbling something down before making an x. "Throw out your powers at the same time."

Aleyna and Wanda looked at each other, then attempted to send their power at the same time. Aleyna's sharp icicles flew out from her hands first, and Wanda's energy followed.

Although they both hit the target, their power hit different parts of it at different times.

"Right idea, wrong execution?" Aleyna shrugged.

A couple of hours later, a familiar, red synthezoid phased through the glass wall pane, confused to find the three still training.

"I thought you completed your training hours ago." Vision's eyes looked to the burned, frostbitten mannequins that were cut in half and laid askew on the ground.

"We did. He brought us back." Wanda's head cocked towards Fury as she rolled her eyes.

"Is that sass I hear, Miss Maximoff?" Fury's brow rose as the girl looked to him.

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