━ viii. i think i've seen this film before

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          ━━ BECAUSE OF THE AMOUNT OF ENERGY it took to muster the thick shield, Aleyna took a few days to rest and breathe. She looked around the room, envisioning the designs she could do.

Like Wanda, she requested that the walls be a different color than the classic grey, landing on a sandstone orange color.

Aleyna hoisted herself out of her bed and tried to head to the kitchen, but ended up in Steve's office instead. She knocked on the glass door, the blond man turning and nodding.

Aleyna opened the door and stepped inside, admiring the technological advancements the room had to offer.

"Is everything ok?" Steve asked as Aleyna's eyes wandered, looking at each hologram carefully.

"Oh, I'm fine," She promised. "I was trying to find the kitchen. I got really thirsty all of a sudden."

"Go straight, then to the left." He advised, pointing to the left wall. "Try to avoid Wanda, though. You almost destroyed Nat's room, and we don't want to clean up the mess in the entire living room."

"Got it." The girl nodded before walking of, only to be called to Steve's office yet again. "Yes?" She entered the office, looking at the blond man in the chair. With a slight smile, he opened the top filing cabinet and pulled a laptop and a phone.

He passed the technology to Aleyna, who beamed. "We didn't find any criminal activity."

"I know! I'm not a criminal!" She reminded him, holding the devices in her left arm. "Just trying to change the world. Um, so speaking of, when do I get my filter back?"

Steve let out a sigh, as if he felt bad. "As much as you're gonna hate this... we can't. We can't let you get exposed to such a large amount. It already gave you these powers. We don't know how much more damage it can do. I'm sorry, Aleyna."

Aleyna got quiet while she bit the inside of her cheek. "Fine."

"But, when you turn eighteen, we can give it back. I promise, Aleyna, we'll keep it safe."

"Got it." She turned and left the office, and after a few wrong turns, she finally made it to the kitchen. She set her devices on the kitchen island and immediately sped to the cabinets.

After grabbing a cup and filling it with water from the fridge, she felt another person enter the room, though she couldn't tell who.

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